Angel Studios’s newest video, Cabrini, always had a “political drive”, according to manufacturer Leo Severino.
Cabrini was released worldwide on March 8th as part of the polarizing emigration campaign talking point for the 2024 election. Francesca Cabrini, an European immigrant, fights with her sympathetic heart to give hope and help to other marginalized individuals living in New York’s slums in the late 1800s.
” Cabrini’s concept is far beyond any one topic. Her most important statement is that line in the movie that reads,” We can assist our frailty or we can offer our purpose.” We the n’t offer both,'” Severino told the Washington Examiner. That little voice, that’s our weakness, and so many of our flaws, our weaknesses, and that internal voice that says you ca n’t do something or that you’re not good enough, are our weaknesses.
” But if we have a purpose that’s greater than that, we ca n’t let that voice be the boss”, he continued. ” We have to have this another voice that says,’ You know you’re called to this particular duty, this particular devotion, or this specific struggle for something wonderful.’ That’s really the enthusiasm behind , wanting to make this film”.
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Severino pointed to a scene in the movie where Cabrini stated it was her intention to build homes and facilities for people who were marginalized within a society, including refugees and the handicapped.  ,
” As directors, you always want to connect, right? The video shined a light on this person’s life because she shined a light on the lives of hundreds of thousands, if not thousands, of people, and she was a powerful concept of perseverance, of hope, of dignity”, Severino said. ” Mother Cabrini attacks hope in persons and empowers them when they’re at a very small place”
In addition to producing Cabrini, Severino also helped to produce Sound of Freedom, next season’s Angel Studios field office hit. Severino collaborated with producer Alejandro Menteverde and executive producer Eduardo Verastegui on both tasks.
” I’m so thankful for Angel Studios”, Severino said. ” I mean, they, you know, both with Cabrini and with Sound of Freedom before, these are two films that we’d finished, and we did n’t know if there would be distribution whatsoever”.
The Angel Guild, a concept that Angel Studios employs, allows potential viewers to give suggestions while developing the tasks. Severino claimed that while the Angel Guild made Cabrini” the highest-rated video that they had in their ecosystem,” Hollywood passed on transmission of Sound of Freedom and probably do have passed on distribution of Cabrini.
Andrea Bocelli, a legendary musician, and his daughter Virginia Bocelli, who both released the ballad” Dare To Get” that appears during the movie’s closing credits, are even featured in Cabrini.
The movie is rated PG- 13 and has earned a 98 % Rotten Tomatoes market index. Since its theatrical release, the film has earned nearly$ 15 million worldwide, according to box office data.