In a piece worthy of the Soviet propaganda outlet Pravda ( which, ironically, means” truth” in Russian and other Slavic languages ), the Associated Press ( AP ) has claimed that Americans who view the escalating border crisis with concern are simply being duped by” Russian disinformation”. To understand meanings, “disinformation” refers to the deliberate spreading of fake information, while “misinformation” is the unexpected spreading of such data. As the borders issue becomes ever more serious, obviously those who see and speak out about it are engaged in , fraud.
According to the AP article,” ]i ] n recent weeks, Russian state media and online accounts tied to the Kremlin have spread and amplified misleading and incendiary content about U. S. immigration and border security. The strategy seems crafted to ignite anger and fragmentation before the 2024 vote for the White House”. The article does not handle the truth of open borders, with its accompanying violence, costs and national security threats, just pushing insinuations that critics of open borders are exaggerating, “misstating” or repeating presumably “debunked” knowledge or otherwise under the magic of a foreign enemy. The reality is the frontier is in problems, but the content seems to fully downplay this, particularly in terms of unlawful alien , violence.
The article mentions the murder of Georgia student Laken Riley by an illegal alien from Venezuela released on immigration parole, saying that” ]t ] he killing ( … ) quickly became a rallying cry for former President Donald Trump and other Republicans who suggest that migrants commit crimes more often than do U. S. citizens. The evidence does not support those states”. The cool manner with which the author addresses the terrible murder of Laken Riley by illegal mysterious parolee Jose Ibarra– actually avoiding mentioning the victim’s name – is very telling. For the artist, the problem seems to be not so much that an illegitimate humanoid killed an American, but rather that” Trump and other Republicans” had dared to take notice to , it.
The AP say that migrants undertake less crime than Americans is presented as a plain and undeniable reality, even though it is something but. FAIR has shown that outlawed creatures are truly at least three times as likely to be incarcerated than both U. S. citizens and lawful immigrants. But debates over analytical murder rates besides, every crime committed by an illegal alien is an additional murder and one that would never have occurred if our borders were safe and our laws , enforced.
Russia has undoubtedly attempted to muddy the well in terms of immigration coverage, but has not taken a” side” in the debate, as the AP article seems to imply. A USA Today article from May 2018 pointed out that” ]i ] n the first half of 2017, as Trump aggressively moved to restrict immigration, fake Facebook pages set up by a Russian propaganda operation started pushing ads on both sides of the immigration debate”, including” ]o ] ne set of ads]that ] targeted users who had shown interest in Hispanic and Latino culture with pro- immigration messages”. However, the fact some Russian- affiliated social media accounts may have posted stories about the southern border crisis does not in any way change the fact that the crisis is indeed out of control. It also does not imply that Russia desires secure American , borders.
It is a fact that Russia does not support U. S. border security, or that of any Western nation. The Kremlin has sought to weaponize illegal migration against our allies in NATO by encouraging ( mainly ) Middle Eastern migrants from terror- rife countries to rush Finland’s border. Russia’s close ally Belarus has done the same in the hopes of undermining Poland and the Baltic nations. Closer to home, the Biden Border Crisis has seen nationwide encounters of Russian illegal aliens skyrocket, from 13, 000 in Fiscal Year ( FY ) 2021 to 57, 000 in FY 2023, a fourfold increase. While many are likely economic migrants, with a fair sprinkling of potential draft- dodgers, some may be Russian intelligence assets – a potential threat which the author of the AP article seems not to , consider.
Just as it the past, Moscow propagandists wish primarily to make the U. S. look bad by emphasizing its problems. However, the chief blame should be laid at the door of open- borders policies, including those who implement them and those in the media who defend or distract from them. Telling Americans to ignore the very real and tragic extent of the border crisis, lest they further supposed” Russian disinformation”, is both an insult to their intelligence and an attempt to blackmail and muzzle them, a tactic reminiscent of the most brazen and infamous Soviet , propagandists.