The Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is the site of an Academy Award nomination for best global function film and a film exploring the power of sound on March 29.
Continuing are” One Life” and” The Arc of , Oblivion”.
” Io Capitano” was an Academy Award nomination for best foreign element. The film, which is directed and directed by Matteo Garrone, examines the migration experience through a perilous, cinematographically spectacular epic from West Africa to Italy. The praised film, which won best directing and operating medals at the Venice Film Festival, presents a “reverse picture” of the immigration knowledge. The narrative is told through the eyes and personal experiences of two Dakar-based Senegalese youth who long for a more promising future in Europe. A dangerous journey through the vast lakes of the Mediterranean, where thousands of people have died packed inside vessels that are hardly match for passage, is between their dreams and reality, between a maze of checkpoints, the burnt Saharan desert, a malodorous North American prison, and the great waters of the Mediterranean.
” Io Capitano” is not rated and is showing through April , 4.
“32 Sounds,” an interactive feature documentary and serious sensory immersion from Academy Award-winning filmmaker Sam Green, features original music by JD Samson. By combining 32 distinct tone explorations into a visual yoga on the power of audio to bend period, cross borders, and deeply affect our perception of the world around us, the film explores the primal phenomenon of sound.
“32 Sounds” is no rated and is showing through April , 3.
Learn more about the movies, including present times and ticket , presence.