According to a new poll, Americans are more concerned about legal refugees committing crimes in the United States than they were a few years ago. They also see fewer benefits from immigration.  ,
About 4 in 10 Americans say that when newcomers come to the U. S. officially, it’s useful for U. S.companies to hire qualified workers in business like science and technology.  ,
According to a poll from the Associated Press- NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, roughly 38 % of respondents believe legal immigrants contribute to the advancement of American culture and values.
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More Republicans than Democrats back this attitude, with around half of Americans in favor of lowering the number of immigrants who are allowed to seek asylum at the U.S. when they cross the border.
The poll notes building a wall, former President Donald Trump’s trademark policy goal, was the least popular among respondents with 4 in 10 supporting building a wall, including 77 % of Republicans compared to 12 % of Democrats.  ,
To obtain their data, the AP polled 1, 282 adults between March 21- 25, 2024, using a test from NORC’s possibility- based screen created to reflect the U. S. population.
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Statistics shared in the most recent poll are lower than those from 2017, when the AP found that 59 % of respondents thought skilled immigrant workers entering the country legally were a significant benefit, while 50 % thought legal immigrants contribute significantly to the development of American culture.  ,
However, a portion of Americans ( 32 % ) said there’s a risk that legal immigrants will commit crimes in the U. S.compared to 19 % in 2017.  ,
Where do Republicans and Democrats stand on emigration?
The poll indicates that Republicans consider immigration to be important to them personally, with 41 % of the party now claiming there is a greater risk of legal immigrants breaking into the United States than it did in 2017.  ,
Additionally, refugees who enter the country both legally and illegally have less negative effects on Republicans. However, they are more concerned about people who enter the country illegally.
Most Republicans ( 71 % ) believe there is a risk of people entering the country without authorization and committing crimes, whereas 80 % of conservatives believe there is a risk of people entering the country without permission.  ,
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And 6 in 10 Republicans are concerned that there’s a chance of refugees taking U. S. work and that their progress will undermine America’s personality or that they will vote improperly.  ,
But Democrats, compared to Republicans, discover more benefits from immigration, although the new ballot reflects that almost half of Democrats believe that legal immigrants are making efforts to American businesses, a drop of around 20 % from 2017.  ,
Democrats are more likely than Republicans to agree with the ballot that the change in how immigrants find opportunities or leave violence in different places around the world is crucial to America’s identity as a country.  ,
This report was written by The Associated Press.  , This tale was reported from Washington, D. C.  ,