According to a Social photo shared on the site, a New York Times article with the article” Justice Department Announces Crackdown on Microwave Food Producers” appears.
Verdict: False
A spokesperson for the publication confirmed in an internet to Test Your Fact that The New York Times did not publish any of these articles.
Point Test:  ,
According to Forbes, the Department of Justice ( DOJ) has reported that about 20 people have been charged with threatening election staff. This comes just days after a man from Ohio received a 2.5-year prison sentence for threatening the governor of Arizona. Katie Hobbs in 2022 when she was secretary of state, the outlet reported.
The New York Times reported that the DOJ has” crackdown” on microwave food producers, according to the Facebook post. A picture of AG Garland speaking at a floor was shared alongside the alleged content in the post.
The alleged article reads,” Justice Department Announces Crackdown on Microwave Food Producers.” An admitted post title reads,” After dozens of online complaints, the government seeks to push Stouffer’s and Tysons to reduce instructions, optimize opening, and include a plastic puncture tool if needed”. Additionally, it mentions the potential future target market for micro manufacturers.  ,
This is not a true content, yet. There are no reliable media reports about the article from the New York Times or additional stores. It cannot be found on the site’s web or its social media accounts. Has The DOJ Been Able to Reject More Than 500 Illegal Gun Purchases Against Underage Persons?
Also, there are no matching research results on the DOJ site to confirm the claim.
A New York Times spokesman told Test Your Point in an email that” I can ensure that this article is fabricated and that no such article was published by The New York Times.” The director directed Test Your Truth to publish a debunking claim on its website.  ,