After he voted against a bill that required local governments to engage with federal immigration authorities and he accepted tax cuts for a resort development project, Wisconsin County Republicans criticized state representative Kasey Carpenter, R-Dalton.
Local immigration officials may be required to cooperate with federal immigration officials in obtaining immigration status through House Bill 1105, and regional immigration sanctuary laws would be prohibited. The Georgia Senate and House are waiting for Governor to pass the legislation. Brian Kemp’s name. The Georgia Criminal Alien Track and Report Act was rejected by just one Republican, Carpenter.
The bill, according to Carpenter, who represents a neighborhood with a significant Hispanic population, could lead to racial stereotyping and may introduce sheriffs and local officials to immigration lawsuit litigation.
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In a personal message posted on social media, he wrote to a reporter,” We have instances where someone with a cracked rear light has been deported just to leave behind three children for the state and area to help.”