MOBILE — On Monday, the two Democratic candidates for Alabama’s following congressional district debated at Government Plaza in Mobile.
Former State Sen. Dick Brewbaker (R- Montgomery ) and Montgomery lawyer Caroleene Dobson opened the conversation by explaining their political idea and the reason they are running. Later this month, the conversation will air on Mobile television’s WKRG.
” Some of the people in the room and some of the people watching on TV, I think your life may be a little better because I was in the legislature,” Brewbaker said.
Brewbaker emphasized his aid for freedom of choice in schools.
I wrote into the script of the strongest protections for homeschools and private universities in the country when the State Department of Education attempted to abolish schooling, he continued.
Dobson said she was the second Republican to qualify in the competition, but she’s not a politician.
” I grew up on a plantation in Monroe County”, she said. I currently reside in Montgomery with my husband and two daughters, where I practice real estate law and sit on the Forestry Commission.
While she is happy to live in Alabama, Dobson said the government’s future is at stake.
” Whether it’s closing the border, supporting our military, balancing the budget, securing energy independence, or fighting against woke culture, there’s real work to be done, and we do n’t need to send a retired career politician”.
Topics covered during the conversation were artificial intelligence, prices, emigration, healthcare, Second Amendment rights, business, schooling, taxes and trans rights.
The candidates were first inquired about how artificial intelligence and technology development should be handled by the state.
While he does n’t consider AI will be the same “political deceiver” as other solutions, such as social media, he believes there should be a six- quarter moratorium on new designs. He claimed that more accountability from corporations creating AI is required.
” There’s very little clarity in the development of AI systems, and that’s why people are afraid of it”, Brewbaker said. ” We need to get this out in the open so people act out of information, not out of anxiety”.
Dobson’s worry is political adjustment. She made a comparison between the engineering and radioactive armament.
” AI has huge economic prospects, but there’s also a great downside”, said Dobson. ” It’s a lot like nuclear technology. You know, we have enormous strength, but we also have nuclear arms. Therefore, we need to approach AI with the understanding that the major tech and liberal media will try to use AI to stifle traditional thought.
When it comes to prices, both candidates acknowledged people are still being severely impacted. Dobson suggested four ways we may find some comfort.
” One is cut government spending, which we must complete”, she said. ” Second is lower fees. Third is to deregulate, and third is to destroy American energy freedom”.
 , Brewbaker blamed higher energy costs and the Biden management.
According to Brewbaker,” It is time for Alabama people to stop paying the suffer but clean energy leaders can make more money.” ” The time has come for us to, instead of putting the brakes on U. S. energy production, is to open it up”.
The prospects were also questioned about whether they believed there was a border crisis and whether the United States may stop illegal immigration.
” It’s absolutely untenable for this region to help that kind of unlawful immigration”, Brewbaker said. ” The threat to American people is obvious. The consequences of crime and terrorism
Brewbaker added that the failure to protect the frontier is contributing to the fentanyl crisis.
” The time has come for the authorities to close the borders and arrest people who are here illegally,” he said. ” Excuse me, protected the edges”.
Dobson referred to the border crisis as an war.
” We need to shut the frontier, construct the walls, and give everyone who lives here illegally household, including children who were born to illegal aliens because they are not entitled to American citizenship,” she said. ” And we should also maintain President Trump’s Stay in Mexico plan”.
Dobson claimed that an unsecure borders encourages voting fraud in addition to crimes and drugs.
But, Brewbaker said the U. S. never near the border because that would effect industry and jobs. Additionally, he claimed that Dobson had lied throughout the battle about his past. Dobson responded by claiming Brewbaker voted to lower the punishments for voter ID scam and that he had downplayed the morphine problems.
The previously- drawn Congressional District 2 includes much of the country’s economy, including mechanical, aircraft and the Mobile Port.
By ensuring effective financial business policies were in place, Brewbaker pledged to fight to protect Mobile’s business. Additionally, he claimed that federal funding should be used for critical infrastructure projects like the ship programmes, the Bayway Bridge, and the West Alabama Causeway.
Dobson pledged to fight for the Mobile Port road series, which she believes will ease state traffic flow elsewhere.
Along with knowledge, LGBTQ troubles were discussed. The federal president’s involvement in local schools and how Gay issues are handled were two topics of discussion. Dobson and Brewbaker disagreed on whether the provincial government should be able to have a claim.
Because we as a nation will fail if we do n’t have a united front, Dobson said,” We still need a federal apparatus to ensure that our schools across the nation are free of critical race theory, that girls ‘ sports are only for girls, and that we are teaching civics in our schools.”
” I disagree that we need a federal equipment to regulate schools”, Brewbaker responded. ” Colleges have always been a state work, they need to be so. The trouble with U. S. Department of Education, whether it’s the incursion of LGBT plan in the school curriculum or trans issues being interjected in female ‘ activities, that thing is being developed in Washington, not in the state. If we return these issues to the states where they belong, we would n’t have to argue”.
When it comes to transgender rights and, in particular, r sports and gender- affirming care of youth, the two seemed to agree.
” In the context of sports, I absolutely do not support them”, Brewbaker stated. ” Lia Thomas rose from the country’s 405th best male swimmer to the top female swimmer. It’s inappropriate to penalize young women who have spent their entire lives working and training to earn athletic scholarships and excel in sports by having a biologically male competitor compete against them unfairly.
According to Brewbaker, Americans should be able to do whatever they want with regard to adults.
” But it’s not a young person’s choice to have minors be encouraged by adults, especially adults outside their families, to undergo irreversible surgeries that will put them on strong medications for the rest of their lives, make them bring them permanently sterile,” Brewbaker continued.
Dobson expressed concern for herself because she is the mother of two girls.
” I am very concerned about the possibility that biological males could compete with them in sports, as well as in their locker rooms and camp doors,” Dobson said. ” Look, gender is God- ordained and biologically determined. It’s a reality, it’s not an ideology, it’s not a feeling, and we have to protect our children”.
Dobson claimed that she has been made aware of how children’s books influence young people’s opinions on gender issues.
” Folks, the liberals are coming for our preschoolers, and we have to fight to ensure that girls ‘ sports are for girls”, Dobson added. ” Those locker rooms are only for biological girls,” the statement read. And then, we are protecting our kids, not only their physical bodies but also their libraries”.
Brewbaker added that he thinks hospitals are paying for minor surgeries and care.
” That’s the worst possible motive for any type of fraudulent health care”, he said.
” Children are gifts from God, and it’s up to us to protect them”, Dobson responded. And I’ll work to make sure no children are undergoing hormone replacement therapy or irreversible surgeries.
Additionally, questions were posed to the candidates regarding TikTok. Brewbaker said TikTok needs to be thoroughly regulated or sold to an American company. Dobson said she supports a TikTok ban and that she had asked anyone who uses the app to delete it right away.
On Israel, Brewbaker said he supports Israel’s right to defend itself against terror attacks.
” Israel has a right to safeguard itself without any restrictions.” And the reason why there is currently such terrorism in the Middle East is due to Afghanistan’s lack of leadership by the Americans, he continued.
Dobson said she also supports Israel.
She said,” We as Americans need to take a stronger stance in supporting Israel.” ” That means four things. We must stop judging the actions taken by Israel and stop second-guessing them first. Gaza needs to be invaded by Israel. It’s time for them to allow Israel to do what they need to to in order to keep their country safe. They have to get rid of Hamas.
Dobson argued that America should defund the UN, take a stronger stance against Iran, and combat anti-Semitism.
In closing, the candidates were given one minute for final arguments.
” My parents always said,’ Remember where you are, where you’re from, and act accordingly”, Dobson said. I’m appreciative of the values of hard work and humility that were taught to me. And I think that we need more leaders in Washington”.
” Unlike my opponent, I have lived my entire adult life here”, Brewbaker said. ” I raised five boys here. I’ve been in business for 35 years, working literally tens of thousands of hours over the years. Because we’ve invested money into the community where we live, my family has four public schools named after our families.
The Republican primary runoff is scheduled for April 16.
To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email erica. [email protected].
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