Amna Nawaz:
I want to start with what we learned from our reporting on Southern Mexico and the border of the United States over the past few weeks.
One of the things that came to mind when you look at this chart is this. Along the way, we spoke with lots of travelers who intend to visit the United States. This is a record of the countries of origin that were represented at the U.S. Mexico frontier as well as down in Southern Mexico.
Some countries, persons might hope, El Salvador, Guatemala, and so on, but even people from Senegal, Mauritania, China, Bangladesh. And we know, as those people make their way to the U. S. southwestern border, those experience figures have been rising.
If you look at the pattern over the last three decades, we were seeing record highs, fiscal year ‘ 21, 1.73 million, away to 2.37 million in ‘ 22, and ultimately 2.47 million in ‘ 23. We now know that the management has been considering professional actions under the auspices of the president, which may lower those numbers by limiting asylum seekers ‘ entry.
Did the president take that professional order?