Senator Jacky Rosen claims that she wants to prevent legislative staff from working as lobbyists, and that the opposite is true. However, her business is filled with original lobbyists, and many of them have gone on to work as lobbyists.
The Nevada Democrat signed the Close the Revolving Door Act in March as part of her “efforts to tidy up Washington,” which would increase restrictions on legislative employees from becoming activists and the reverse. According to Rosenstein, the bill had “improve the visibility of prominent specific objectives and their lobbyists in Congress by promoting accountability and transparency.”
Rosen has, however, contributed to maintaining the whirling entry since taking office in 2015. Since taking office in 2015, Rosenstein has hired a number of previous activists to be top plan consultants, and she has seen various staff members leave to pursue lucrative careers as lobbyists. Rosen has even accepted over$ 720, 000 in campaign contributions from listed activists, including nearly$ 35, 000 from former politicians who became activists upon leaving office.
As she seeks a second name in the Senate in November, Rosen’s force to control advocacy may expose her to accusations of hypocrisy. The Cook Political Report on Wednesday shifted Rosen’s chair from its ,” Move Democrat” column to a toss- up after new polls have suggested she’s in for a small race against her expected Democratic opponent, Army veteran Sam Brown.
Rosen may have been barred from hiring her latest senior policy advisor Daniel Bleiberg, who had previously worked as a spokesman for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in 2017, had the Close the Revolving Door Act been in place in 2020. The legislation would put a six-year restrictions on lobbying from representing members of Congress they lobbied for. When Rosen served her wayward expression in the lower chamber, Bluner lobbied in the House in 2017, but it’s not known if he had any significant contact with the Nevada Democrat at the time.
Rosen has a habit of employing original activists as senior policy advisors. Her former top plan adviser, Alex De Bianchi, served as a lawyer for the Recording Industry Association of America from 2008 to 2012 before joining Rosen’s business in 2019. In May 2023, De Bianchi took over Rosen’s position as director of parliamentary matters for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Former Rosen staff ‘ careers would have also been hampered by the Close the Revolving Door Act, including Leilani Gonzalez, who resigned from her position as a congressional correspondent in 2021 as the Zero Emission Transportation Association’s plan director.
Gonzalez became a lawyer for the organization in 2023, which urges lawmakers to outlaw the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles by 2030. Prior to 2027, Gonzalez could no longer lobby in Congress under the Close the Revolving Door Act.
Rosen’s past legislative associate, Kayla Primes, registered as a lawyer for Visa shortly after leaving Rosen’s company in August 2023. Primes would n’t be able to work as a lobbyist until 2029 if the Close the Revolving Door Act had been in place.
Rosen’s advocacy bill could even hurt her campaign funds.
Members of Congress who work as activists after they leave office may be prohibited from doing so forever. But Rosen’s strategy and administration Committee, the Jacky Rosen Victory Fund, has received practically$ 35, 000 from 13 past politicians, 12 of whom were Democrats, who became activists after leaving office. Rosen’s campaign has received over$ 720, 000 from lobbyists of all stripes since 2015, according to Open Secrets.
Rosen’s office did not return a request for comment.