In a Tuesday poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal, Donald Trump leads Joe Biden over Donald Trump in six of the seven favored jump state for the 2024 presidential election.  ,
If an election including impartial and second- party candidates were held today, Biden would get Wisconsin by 3 percentage points but lose to Trump in North Carolina by 8 points, in Arizona and Nevada by 4 to 5 points, and in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania by 2 to 3 points, according to the Journal‘s poll conducted in middle- March.  ,
In a head-to-head game, the poll also found that Trump had been tied with Biden in Wisconsin while holding a similar result in the other six swing state.  ,
Citizens are most concerned about the 81-year-old candidate’s cognitive abilities as well as his management of the migrant crisis and the economy, with Trump holding an average result of almost 20 points over Biden on those three issues.  ,
Negative views of Biden’s performance at work outpace positive views in all seven jump state by at least 16 percentage points.  ,
In 2020, Biden won Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania—all of which had backed Trump in 2016—while little winning Georgia and Arizona. Nevada was likewise won by the president, but he has since lost surface there. Trump won North Carolina in 2020 by just over 1 place.