More than 120, 000 people have been released from San Diego County’s sidewalks since late February, according to San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond, who claims that there have been more than 24 000 of those released.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has informed Border Report that those numbers are not being made public in an effort to evaluate those figures.
Desmond, but, says the numbers are accurate and San Diego County does expect more immigrant drop- offs in the coming months.
After Border Patrol stations, a migrant pleasant center had been accepting asylum seekers, but it was forced to close down seven weeks ago because county funding was running away.
At that time, the Border Patrol began to bus asylum seekers and drop them off at travel points throughout San Diego, especially the Iris Avenue train station in South San Diego.
” The federal government is giving us no aid”, said Desmond. ” They’re just dropping them off in our streets, we’re at their whim”.