Following weeks of debate regarding the lifelong owner’s retirement, Pat Sajak’s last season of Wheel of Fortune has a launch date.
Sajak’s last season, according to a statement from Good Morning America, does weather on June 7. The Wheel of Fortune period 41 episode will also be on the schedule.
Sajak announced last June that this would be his final season on the show. ” It’s been a great ride”, Sajak said at the time in a concept that was shared by the movie’s Instagram account.
ABC announced that Ryan Seacrest did take Sajak’s place as his successor after he made the announcement that he would be leaving the display.
After learning the media, Seacrest wrote in a speech that” I’m really humbled to be following the famous Pat Sajak.” ” I may say, along with the rest of America, that it’s been a luxury and real joy to watch Pat and Vanna grace our televisions for an extraordinary 40 times, making us teeth every night and feel right at home with them.”
Since 1981, Sajak has been the show’s host. Since 1982, his co-host Vanna White has been on Wheel of Fortune and runs the table and reveals words to contestants as they are guessed.