After a gunman opened fire on one of its vehicles and into the air on Monday evening, the Israel Defense Forces ( IDF) called the World Central Kitchen (WCK), but WCK was unable to reach its employees, according to a report.
That would indicate Hamas might have attempted to prevent the Army from misidentifying the WCK fleet as terrorists, a strategy that is in line with Hamas ‘ use of civilian casualties to put international pressure on Israel to put an end to the Gaza war.
An IDF aircraft system reported seeing a Hamas shooter walk the prospect car and launch into the atmosphere before the WCK fleet reached a aircraft, according to The Jerusalem Post.
At that point, the IDF allegedly attempted to call the support staff before trying to call off airstrikes on the fleet. The , Post , noted:
The IDF attempted to call the support staff working in the field as the events progressed, but was unable to accomplish them.
Next, the IDF called the WCK offices. The WCK office attempted to contact its own aid workers on the ground, but they did not return calls.
The IDF aircraft system believed that these were different vehicles when they left the hangar, and that around four Hamas employees had joined or taken control of the convoy.
Because infrared cameras could n’t see the logo on the vans, the IDF mistaken the WCK vehicles for Hamas vehicles.
According to a report from Breitbart News, the IDF will now need the use of an identification decal on all support vehicles. What would stop Hamas extremists from stealing the tags or using them to hide are unclear.
The military fired two Israeli military personnel after the invasion, largely because they believed the second two cars ‘ strikes to be more determined than the first. The IDF has sincerely expressed regret for its error.
Joel B. Pollak is Top Editor- at- Big at Breitbart News and the number of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday night from 7 p. m. to 10 p. m. ET ( 4 p. m. to 7 p. m. Platinum ). He is the creator of the latest e- guide,” The Zionist Conspiracy ( and how to meet it )”, now available on Audible. He is also the creator of the electronic- text, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U. S. Presidential Election. He is a champion of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Following him on Twitter at @joelpollak.