Following the premiere of the comedy court set “JUGGED by Matt Walsh,” Matt Walsh, the number of Daily Wire and a then highly respected judge, spoke with liberal commentator Charlie Kirk on Wednesday about the launch of his fresh show.
The” The Matt Walsh Show” number reading the favorite” Am I the A**hole” Reddit forums, where people post a typically uncomfortable situation they’ve just encountered and question if they’re in the wrong, gave Walsh to the Turning Point USA leader.
Walsh bragged that it seemed like a natural career path for me because” I’ve been accused of being judgmental pretty much my entire life.”
” So how does this job”? Kirk inquired about the innovative program. ” Does the native court give you some power, are you a attorney, what’s the approach here that allows you to become somewhat of a judge”?
” It’s not quite that official”, Walsh replied. ” I’m also not very accepted in the legal world. Therefore, these persons must be those who come to us, and it’s typically people who would never be permitted to enter a real court and instead come to us.
The true origins of this is that on my present, we used to like to post questions on the Reddit forum,” Am I the A-hole,” where users had to decide whether or not they were the A-hole. What if we took those situations and posted them on Reddit and used them as a courtroom present, as the original concept was?
The Honorable Judge Walsh oversaw the circumstance of exploding teeth on a plane, which gave the first instance of “JUDGED” a big start. Daphne Lewis filed a lawsuit against Tam Taylor in the case involving a transaction dispute over aesthetic goods they agreed to purchase separately.
Lewis claimed to have been owed$ 1,500 for the Asian mouth binder Lewis had ordered for both of them from Judge Walsh. But Taylor opted to countersue, claiming that her lips actually exploded during a trip at 30, 000 foot after getting the injections. Taylor resisted paying$ 5, 000 for the medical costs incurred in reshaping her damaged teeth.
“JUDGED” premiered on Tuesday nights with the first episode now streaming for free on Daily Wire+, X, Facebook, and YouTube. Episode 2 is streaming exclusively on Daily Wire + with new episodes dropping Tuesdays at 8: 00 p. m. ET.
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