According to the company, personal information about about 10,000 Home Depot employees has been leaked onto a website that is being accessed by digital hackers, as reported by various news organizations in the tech sector.
The hole was sudden and was caused by a program merchant, said Beth Marlowe, a Home Depot representative.
During assessment of their techniques, a third-party software vendor accidentally made people a little example of Home Depot affiliates ‘ names, work email lists, and User IDs, she claimed. ” It was not some violation of our system”.
The vendor made the error of leaving the data publicly accessible online for everyone to see. It was retrieved by a thief known as IntelBroker, who finally posted the information on the illegal community BreachForums, according to Cybernews.
IntelBroker said it had the information for 10, 000 Home Depot people. The company declined to confirm that number, but said it was” a small sample”.
While this information is not very delicate, exposing merely business IDs, names, and contact addresses, it could be used by threat actors to perform targeted “phishing” attacks against Home Depot employees, CyberNews said.
In an effort to persuade unsuspecting consumers to provide more sensitive information, such as Home Depot credentials, that kind of information can be used to send out waves of emails to target groups of consumers who might use it to hack business networks and install malware.
The business stated that it has taken steps to improve data security in order to prevent information use.
The information was posted on the obscene community BreachForums by an unknown thief, called IntelBroker.
” In April 2024, Home Depot experienced a data breach that exposed the corporate data of the company’s 10K people. Compromised information: full names and contact addresses”, the attacker claimed, according to CyberNews.
The IntelBroker class is linked to a number of other malware incidents, according to Bleeping Computer. Its past hackers included robbery of data from DC Health Link, an institution that administers the health care plans of U. S. House people, their employees, and their families, according to Bleeping Computer.
Home Depot has 2, 335 retail stores, including locations in in all 50 states. Home Depot employs about 465, 000 people.
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