After being able to see “body” wrapped in cover and starting to move, ambulance arrived on field.
At around 5: 45 p. m. Wednesday, authorities responded to reports of a body “dumped” in a vacant bit at the corner of Arizona Street and Cuatro Siglos Boulevard, which runs parallel to the Rio Grande. The place is within walking range of the valley and Gate 36 of the U. S. border wall in El Paso, Texas.
A policeman report claims that when metropolitan police officers arrived on the scene noticed something inside the cover that “was moving.” They put it aside and discovered a man who was otherwise intact but had wounds and additional signs of violence. In order to move the victim to a nearby hospital, they called an ambulance.
Hector, a Colombian immigrant, is the injured party, according to authorities and a Border Report/KTSM camera staff. According to the police report, testimony who called 911 reported seeing people drive by the lot and “dump a system” to Juarez authorities.
No additional official details about the case were soon made available. Yet, some Juarez news outlets reported that the immigrant had been abandoned near the river and left for dead after being beaten by pirates.
Workers who cross the Rio Grande from Juarez to retreat to American authorities and seek asylum have preferred entry point at Gate 36 for more than a year.