Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) emphasized this during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday when she urged the Department of Homeland Security ( DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to go to a full Senate trial.
Because Americans “know that many of the issues in this region are caused by that wide open border,” Blackburn said she is “very cheerful” that Republicans will win the 2024 presidential election.
Because I believe the American people value their liberty, I’m very optimistic that we will succeed in this endeavor. They love their country. And they are not going to sit idly by and let the Democrats take their freedom”, she said, pointing straight to Mayorkas’s prosecution trial.
” Look at what we’re facing right now with Mayorkas. Chuck Schumer claims that he will file the Articles of Impeachment rather than move ahead with a demo. And of course, Chuck Schumer was saying that we must fulfill our legal obligations when Donald Trump was in office. We have to have this test and, man, it is the legal work. It is laid out. … Go take up the Constitution. Look at Article One, Section Two, that lays out what the House has to do in prosecution. And Section Three specifies what is required of the Senate. So that’s Article One, Section Two, and Section Three. According to Blackburn,” and the British citizens know that many of the problems in this country are brought on by that wide-open border,” criticizing politicians for “impeaching Mayorkas”.
” You’ve got hundreds of thousands of Americans that have been severely impacted by this open borders — the medicines and the morphine, fentanyl deaths, people that have been broken apart, human trafficking, sex trafficking, violence in communities that is significantly impacting individuals. All of that is happening”, the Tennessee legislator said.
She continued, laying out the problems,” and next you’ve got one of the things we’ve heard a good deal about just, is that those who have been paroled into the state and have gotten a work permit are out taking the tasks of hardworking Americans and making it more difficult for those individuals to find employment.”
When asked if she believes there needs to be U. S. Senate trial just like they did with President Trump, Blackburn said,” Yes, absolutely”.
” We are lawfully bound and mandated to do]that], and Matt, the American people need to know what has transpired”, she said, explaining that Americans need to know how Biden made the decision to “take 94 professional commands in the first 100 days of Joe Biden’s leadership” to open up the boundary and make it easier for workers to enter the country illegally.
” They weakened immigration law — 94 different actions. They also need to know where the money is going to be used to pay these individuals. How do they manage to finance everything? People want to know how much money is spent on the parole program, which also sends parolees from other nations to the United States, she said, “my goodness, you hear about the amount of money that is being spent to fly individuals around the country once they cross the border.”
” And these inquiries are made every day. So let’s expose every bit of that. Let’s release every bit of that information so that the American people can see and learn how exactly this was done, and then be able to hold those responsible for what has transpired with this open border, Blackburn continued.
Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10: 00 a. m. to 1: 00 p. m. Eastern.