On Friday’s spread of HBO’s” True Time”, number Bill Maher stated that Israel is “always” expected” to work like no other nation had previously act”. And that, if the United States had endured animosity comparable to that of Israel, we would not have allowed it to endure for almost 20 years. He also said that Israel “did area for peace, and they got no peace. They’ve been jet- attacked always since, and simply lived with it”.
With the Israel-Palestine controversy, Provost of King’s College, Cambridge and Financial Times columnist Gillian Tett stated that people view political problems like a sporting event where hurting the opposing side wins.
Maher responded,” Yes, but the issue is that we always anticipate that Israel will work in a way that no other country do.” In 2005, they returned Gaza. They did area for peace, and they got no peace. They’ve been jet- attacked always since, and simply lived with it. What additional nation would do that? If we got rocket- attacked, did we let it go on for 20 times? No. We would’ve annihilated the people who did it quickly”.
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