The date to make public comments is Monday.
The organization is asking for people feedback on its proposal, which may add nearly 20 miles of upgraded recent lighting and creek access roads in Starr and El Paso counties.
On Earth Day, CBP has invited the public to comment on its intentions, which the organization claims are essential for borders protection.
“CBP seeks input on possible effects to the environment, lifestyle, quality of life and business, including possible socioeconomic impacts, ” the company posted on its site.
As part of its economic examination process, the company claims to be gathering information and input from state and local governments, other governmental agencies, Native American tribes, and landowners who may be impacted by, or often have an interest in, the proposed action.
The actual fuel for each proposed sector’s job is not included in the plans for lighting jobs posted for Starr and El Paso regions.
Suggested plans to add light and repair existing non-operational light for El Paso, above, and Starr County. ( CBP Graphics )
According to Laiken Jordahl of the volunteer Center for Biological Diversity, his business opposes adding bright lights because they could harm both daytime and migrating birds along the boundary.
“This sort of venue beautiful, high-voltage lighting is also understood to be a big stressor to animals, ” Jordahl told Border Report on Wednesday. This lighting had completely alter the ecosystems where it was installed. Border Patrol must examine the effects of this task thoroughly before proceeding. ”
This NGO, which has filed several lawsuits against border wall construction, has filed the Southwest Conservation Advocate for Dordahl. He claims that they are carefully monitoring this recent strategy and that they may decide to file a lawsuit.
He says the drawings are misleading, and more data needs to be released to the public. He added that he would like to know if the areas in Starr County’s 20-mile-long provincial border wall are also in line with programs.
Border Patrol asked the medical community for opinions on the effects of lighting, but he claimed that they omitted the harms that these border walls will have.
He claimed that the “high-stadium lights ” could interfere with West Texas’s sky observatories ‘ use of them as well as the desert bats ‘ nocturnal habits.
According to the El Paso area, the Juarez Valley’s industrial El Paso stretches already suffer from some form of light pollution. However, adding more gentle pollution is exactly the opposite of what we should be doing. In order to recover dark-night skies for people and for animals that depend on the natural black to understand, hunt, feed, and get mates, we should be mitigating the existing sources of light pollution that, according to Jordahl.
He claimed that South Texas’s addition of miles of frontier lights may have a significant impact on the migration patterns of thousands of exotic birds, including those found at Starr County’s Salineo Wildlife Preserve.
• CBP says opinions can become emailed to: CommentsENV@cbp. government. gov.
• You may also provide comments, questions, or problems by calling (888 ) 322-4958.
• Or by message: U. S. Customs and Border Protection
U. S. Border Patrol Headquarters
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. 6. 5E Mail Stop 1039
Washington, D. C. 20229-1100
ATTN: Michelle Barnes
Although CBP has already stated that the construction of the 20 miles of Starr County’s designed border wall will not include the birding preserve, Jordahl claims that the lights installed there will have a significant impact on birds there.
It is a “really critical habitat for animals, particularly nocturnal animals like birds, bats, and otters who hunt there.” He added that it is a vitally important migrant easterly that millions of animals use. Numerous clinical studies demonstrate that light affects birds, their navigation, where they go to sleep, and how they are hunted. We should definitely not install new, polluting sources of stadium bright light because it totally alters their systems, especially in such a crucial hall for migratory birds. ”
The organization requests information or comments that could inform CBP’s analysis of potential impacts. Helpful comments are fact-based, include links to data or research, and provide specific information concerning potential impacts to the environment, culture, as well as quality of life and commerce, including potential socioeconomic impacts. ”
Sandra Sanchez can be reached at SSanchez@BorderReport. com.