On Thursday ’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story, ” Rep. In response, Henry Cuellar (D-TX ) urged the Biden administration to expand the use of Title 8 and use it for those participating in the Alternatives to Detention program, and that “we cannot have catch and release.” ”
Cuellar began by saying, “I’d say this, we may have get and discharge. We cannot tolerate applicants who wait four, five, or six years before a judge will rule on their asylum applications in front of an immigration prosecutor, where we are aware that 87 to 90 % of applicants will get turned down. So we must make sure we file those border asylum applications, return 87 to 90 %, and only admit 10 % of those who enter. That’s how we secure the borders, in my opinion. ”
Eventually, after the conversation turned to the Alternatives to Detention system, “Right today, there is a law called Title 8 extended treatment. They are only applying for those who are detained, and I have suggested to the secretary that they should examine someone who is in alternative detention and use Title 8 expedited removal to probably remove those people much quicker because most of them wo n’t qualify for asylum. ”
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