Nina Jankowicz, the former head of the Biden administration, is making a fresh effort to silence dissention.
The energy is called the American Sunlight Project, and it’s focused on fighting up against the stories being pushed by “elected officials, liberal media, attorneys, paid- for’ journalists,’ and virtual influencers”.
Since the McCarthy era, the counter-disinformation campaign has been the biggest threat to academic integrity and freedom of expression,” according to Jankowicz in a press release, saying the American Sunlight Project wo n’t “allow it to continue.”
The British people will become more aware of the nature and magnitude of the deception threats we face, she said, “once experts are free to conduct their important work.” No social group is known for propaganda. Its final victim is our democracy”.
The American Sunlight Project will look into and find out what systems and wealth are behind propaganda campaigns that undermine politics. Without a shared set of facts and a trusted public square, American democracy ca n’t survive.
— The American Sunlight Project ( @AmericanSunProj ) April 24, 2024
The organization was just established as a flimsy “bipartisan” organization to “expose and oppose efforts to destroy disinformation in the United States.”
According to the organization’s website,” the business will evaluate the networks and money that are the source of disinformation and inform the public about the dangers disinformation poses to their normal lives.”
The description continues,” The first step in the party’s program does require tackling the organized campaign that is now putting pressure on disinformation researchers.”
Jankowicz claimed in a statement to The New York Times that the need for this organization stems from the fact that so-called “disinformation experts” are being made aware of their work through summons and lawsuits.
More and more experts were becoming entangled in this, and their institutions were allegedly preventing them from responding or acting in a way that was “really simply not rising up to the moment,” she said. ” And the problem with that, obviously, is that if we do n’t push back on these campaigns, then that’s the prevailing narrative”.
The American Sunlight Project sent a letter to @Jim_Jordan @RepJamesComer @RepDanBishop today, underscoring how their spin on McCarthyism is weakening our nation and giving our enemies extraordinary power as we confront exceptional information risks. ( 1/ ) https :// pic.
— Nina Jankowicz ( @wiczipedia ) April 23, 2024
Jankowicz said her organization will reportedly primarily try to inform the public as to what specific “work” she intends to do.
According to the Times,” Ms. Jankowicz said her team may run ads about the general threats and effects of deception and create investigative reports on the backgrounds and funding of organizations conducting disinformation campaigns, including those that target the researchers,” according to the Times.
” She has joined with two former social strategists: Mr. Álvarez- Aranyos, originally a communications strategist for Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan group that seeks to counter home authoritarian threats, and Eddie Vale, originally of American Bridge, a liberal group devoted to gathering opposition research into Republicans“, the Times notes.
It’s unlikely to be surprising that she’s employed blatant leftist propagandists for her cause.
. The DHS once hired @wiczipedia to spearhead a short-lived effort to policing disinformation. She has recently started a new project to combat harmful online content.
Watch her conversation with @kasie. pic.
— CNN This Morning with Kasie Hunt (@CNNThisMorning ) April 24, 2024
All of this comes two years after Jankowicz became a household name in conservative homes as the head of the so-called Disinformation Governance Board, a veritable” Ministry of Truth” designed to censor speech.
Given her history of claiming that almost every single Republican talking point is a form of “disinformation,” she was undoubtedly a perfect candidate for the position.
A Senate committee report on the Biden family’s involvement in Ukraine was posed to Nina Jankowicz.
She accused the Senate committee of spreading disinformation. Some Senators should probably want to inquire about this, it seems. pic.
— MAZE ( @mazemoore ) May 7, 2022
” Gender disinformation is a threat to national security,” says Nina Jankowicz.
What do you mean by gender disinformation? pic.
— MAZE ( @mazemoore ) May 6, 2022
Both the creation of the Disinformation Governance Board and Jankowicz’s appointment to it prompted massive backlash, with conservatives, libertarians, and others accusing the administration of trying to silence dissenting speech.
Republican Sen. Rand Paul pointed out that the government is in no position to determine what is or is n’t truthful in his interview with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas at the time, despite its own track record of encouraging disinformation.
Do you know who has been the most effective disinformation propagator throughout history? The U. S. government. Are you familiar with McNamara, the Pentagon Papers? Are you familiar with George W. Bush and the weapons of mass destruction? Are you familiar with Iran Contra? … I do n’t trust government to figure out what the truth is”, he said.
‘ You ca n’t even agree that it was disinformation’: Rand Paul invokes Russia dossier to strike at DHS board https ://
— American Wire News ( @americanwire_ ) May 5, 2022
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