Joe Biden, America’s “genius” leader, mixed up the date of the Jan. 6th rebellion during a gala Thursday.
The charity, which was held at the Westchester home of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, fell by the wayside when the leader attempted to raise the riot’s date of January 6th.
” We’ll certainly not ignore the dark days of June 6th … , Jan. 6th, reason me”, he said, according to Charlie Spiering of the Daily Mail.
We’ll surely not forget the black days of June 6 through January 6th, Biden said at a charity with professional Michael Douglas.” Please forgive me.
— Charlie Spiering ( @charliespiering ) April 26, 2024
For the untrained, June 6th signs D- Day, the day that Allied troops invaded Normandy during the World War II battle.
Afterwards, Biden reportedly took to spreading lie after lie about past president Donald Trump during the charity.
He demanded that peaceful demonstrators outside the White House be subjected to tear gas and turn the Bible back over, and we’ll never forget that. Today he’s writing his own Bible”, he said, according to the New York Post.
Liar, fake, fake …
The “peaceful activists” were violent fanatics who practically attacked the police and attacked the church just feet from the White House.
They hurled “projectiles including bricks, iced water and caustic fluid” at the government, according to a speech issued at the time by U. S. Park Police Chief Gregory T. Monahan.
According to Monahan, “police had discovered stockpiles of glass jars, baseball bats, and copper wires hidden along the road,” “intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the authorities.”
United States Park Police acting key Gregory T. Monahan’s assertion regarding the actions taken over the weekend to protect property and life https: //t. co/RK8xrRapoq
— USPPNEWS ( @usparkpolicepio ) June 2, 2020
The government then issued three warnings before using pepper cylinders and pepper balls to avert the extremists ‘ retreat.
After that, Biden and his loving supporters in the media pretended to have sided with the radicals by denying the facts and making up claims that the authorities had unfairly fired tear gas at the protesters at the president’s urging and without any further provocation.
It took several statements, including those from Monahan and then-White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, to alleviate this rumor and get the real story out there.
The present president slammed the former chairman for “lying about COVID and telling the American people to add chlorine in their arms at” on Thursday’s fundraiser, where he once again used the lay about Trump and bleach to once more.
” He injected it in his scalp”, the senator claimed.
Liar, fake, fake …
Trump did n’t say inject “bleach”. That’s your fake.
He said “disinfectant”. He mentioned an ultraviolet light patent that could be inserted into an internal virus microbial defense system.
You just lie… https ://
— Random Opiner ( @RandomOpiner ) April 23, 2024
However, in related news, Thursday’s charity apparently caused a visitors nightmare for locals.
” Westchester County officials closed about a 2- mile- longer span of Route 9, from Tarrytown to Irvington, ahead of the 81- year- ancient president’s appearance at the higher- dollar fundraiser”, according to the Post. ” Different road closures were not announced due to security concerns.”
Visitors were not pleased:
Joe Biden, Michael Douglas, and Debra Winger, thank you for today’s snarling customers in the Rivertowns. Your brand charity is obviously more important than getting me some butter on Main St. or a full day of school for the kids.
— John Riley ( @jriley8832 ) April 25, 2024
All of this comes just weeks after the leader made yet another error in his remarks at a campaign event in Florida about the growing number of abortion restrictions.
” Let’s get real obvious: There’s one man responsible for this dream, and he’s acknowledged and he brags about it: Donald Trump”, the senator said.
” Folks, in a sense, I do n’t know why we‘re surprised by Trump. How many times does he have to prove , we , ca n’t be trusted”? he added.
He obviously meant to say” How many times does he]Trump ] have to prove HE , ca n’t be trusted” but screwed up in typical Biden fashion.
His detractors were overjoyed by the error because Biden unknowingly admitted the truth and that HE and his management cannot be trusted.
The same thing happened four years earlier when Biden spoke about voting fraud on” Pod Save America.”
” We’re in a situation where we’ve put together— and you folks did it for President Obama’s leadership before this,” he said, “we’ve put together the most extensive and diverse voter fraud business in the history of American politicians.”
The president made it seem as though the organization would be trying to perpetrate voter fraud because of his notorious inability to speak clearly.
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