The recently finalized set of rules on fuel power plants, according to CNN Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir, “essentially signals the end of coal as a power source in the United States.” Because there is n’t any systems in place to comply with all the regulations,” And so, it will effectively force the majority of the remaining 200 or so coal-fired flowers out of business.”
Weir said,” Well, John, this is really, truly important. In essence, it signifies the end of fuel as a electricity supply in the United States. Best then, four fresh rule changes, they even include cutting down on the neurotoxin mercury, which comes out of these power plants, the coal ash that gets spilled into waterways, different wastewater, but the big one is this new rule that would require coal- fired plants to reduce 90 % of their planet- cooking pollution. And best now, there’s not really a systems capable of doing that. In the United States, carbon capture and sequestration have never really been taken seriously by the business. In this way, the majority of the remaining 200 or so coal-fired species will go out of business. About a third of them are scheduled to retire in any case.
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