According to reports, the pro-Palestine “protesters” at Columbia and Yale have been circulating a manual encouraging even worse habits.
Titled” Second We Take Columbia: Instructions from the April 1968 Occupations Movement”, the book was published Saturday by Ill Will, a much- left magazine.
The participants in the Yale and Columbia camps for Gaza describe fourteen lessons from the movement’s initial Columbia activity. https :// photograph.
— Ill Will ( @illwilleditions ) April 22, 2024
The book makes reference to what transpired in April 1968 when thousands of Columbia University students seized the school to protest the Vietnam War.
The book begins with a groundbreaking poem by American artist Diane Di Prima.
” When you seize a town, a campus, get hold of the power stations, the water, the transportation, forget to negotiate, forget how to negotiate, do n’t wait for De Gaulle or Kirk to abdicate, they wo n’t, you are not’ demonstrating’ you are fighting a war, fight to win, do n’t wait for Johnson or Humphrey or Rockefeller, to agree to your terms take what you need,’ it’s free because it’s yours,'” the poem reads.
14 “lessons” are provided in the guidebook that could be helpful then that university occupations have re-appeared as a tactic in the effort to put an end to the genocide in Gaza.
The first lesson is that” ]o ] ccupations are effective because they are disruptive”.
The April 1968 activities shut down the school as a whole for more than a year. This forced the presidency to concede to their needs, even after the activity faced repression”, the book explains.
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” An job needs to distribute in order to survive”, the next lesson reads. ” New complexes need to be taken on campus, throughout the town, and across the country. Get the enemy by shock. Try for daily or even weekly successes, but little. At all costs, retain exceptional motivation”.
” Every employment is a commune”, the second training continues. By halting the typical trickles of bourgeois society, they make room for a brand-new existence. These give us the opportunity to experiment with how we might sit separately. Discuss anything. Inside the job, there is no personal property. Break down barriers. Outside, social status and work are pointless”.
The “protesters” are urged to exploit any nearby riots, as they were done in 1968, in addition to the other lessons in the book.
The guidebook notes that” the April 1968 occupations took place in the immediate aftermath of the’ Holiday’ of riots in the surrounding neighborhood and cities across the country.”
” Campus officials, city authorities, and the police office worried that any attempt to suppress the activities might lead to turmoil in the surrounding area, Harlem might enter Columbia. If an occupation is also able to build and galvanize support from the surrounding neighborhood, it will be in a stronger position,” the guidebook goes on.
The book also urges “protesters” to allowed in “outside protestors”.
” In April 1968, five hundred people marched on the wall at 116th St and Broadway”, the book reads. ” The NYPD stepped down because they worried that there might be more crime.” Related strategies may be required today.
Looking at photos of the 1968 scholar revolt at Columbia. Protesting the school’s involvement with Pentagon, students initially took over the college president’s office. Here’s a scholar sitting in the government’s armchair and smoking one of his tobacco. photograph.
— keyvan ( @still_oppressed ) April 20, 2024
The publication of the book came one day before the orthodox rabbi at Columbia University instructed all prospective Jewish students to acquire leaving campus until it was secure.
The priest apparently sent a message to the Jewish students last Sunday morning in a WhatsApp message.
” What we are witnessing in and around school is bad and tragic”, he wrote. In the face of widespread hatred and anarchy, Columbia University’s Public Safety and the NYPD have made it evident that the recent events, particularly those of last night, never guarantee the safety of Israeli individuals.
” It hurts me to declare that I would strongly advise you to return home as soon as possible and to stay until the truth on campus has significantly improved. As Jews, it is not our responsibility to make sure our personal health is on campus. No one should have to experience this level of hatred, let solely at school”, he added.
Columbia priest warns Jewish individuals to come home until it’s’ safe again for them on school ‘ https ://
— ConservativeLibrarian (@ConserLibrarian ) April 21, 2024
All this comes among growing, global university campus “protests” concerning the Israel- Hamas battle. The “protesters” genuinely believe that the Palestinians in Gaza are being cleansed of their ethnic makeup and that their “protests” may set an earlier end to the conflict.
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