President Joe Biden’s consistent refusal to answer questions from separate reporters has a negative impact on The New York Times.
The Times is so miserable, in truth, that the report released a scathing statement Thursday slamming the leader.
In a republic, a free and independent media plays a crucial role. See our policy of the leader and our statement on @nytimes. https ://
— NYTimes Communications ( @NYTimesPR ) April 25, 2024
It should be troubling for anyone who comprehends the part of the free press in a democracy that President Biden has avoided queries from independent journalists with such a high standard during his term, the speech begins. The media plays a crucial role in providing insights into the president’s considering and worldview, allowing the public to evaluate his performance, and holding him accountable, according to the president’s statement.
Mr. Biden has conducted far fewer press events and sit-down conversations with independent editors than his essentially unelected successors. The Times has, as it has done with all leaders dating back more than a century, requested an on-the-record meeting with Mr. Biden. The leader has a right to object to our separate reporting, and we will continue to cover him fully and fairly regardless of his choice.
The editor of The Times instead focused on a higher principle in discussions with Vice President Harris and other management officers: That consistently avoiding interviews and questions from major news organizations not only undermines an essential standard, but it also establishes a dangerous precedence that upcoming presidents can use to evade scrutiny and accountability. According to the statement, Mr. Sulzberger has repeatedly urged the White House to have the leader meet with The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, CNN, and other big independent media outlets to know their authorities.
The statement was made public shortly after Politico published a blatant record on tensions between the Biden administration and the Times, which have “been bubbling beneath the surface for at least the past five years.”
Conflicts between the New York Times and the White House have been raging for decades.
Biden’s group calls the document “entitled”. According to The Times,” they’re not being realistic about what we do for a living.”
Inside the minor NYT- White House feudhttps: //t. co/uAUepHj9Jg
— POLITICO ( @politico ) April 25, 2024
“]T] he partnership between the Democrat president and the country’s newspaper of record — for years the epitome of a democratic press in the eyes of conservatives— remains extremely anxious, beset by misunderstandings, grudges and a basic lack of trust”, Politico reported.
Campaign aides in Wilmington are going further than their White House colleagues and routinely blasting the paper’s coverage in emails, posts on social media, and memos, according to the outlet.
The Biden administration’s primary beef with the Times is that the paper has n’t sucked up to dear leader enough.
The Times is failing in a make-or-break moment for American democracy, persistently refusing to change its coverage as it tries to appear impartial, frequently blurring the asymmetries between former presidents Donald Trump and Biden, according to Politico.
In other words, they’re mad that the Times, to its credit, is at least trying ( very poorly, FYI ) to be fair in its reporting.
Former Biden campaign official Kate Berner blabbered to Politico, saying,” Democrats believe in the importance of a free press in upholding our democracy, and the NYT was for generations an important standard bearer for the fourth estate. The Times ‘ frustration is sometimes so great because it does n’t fulfill its important role.
Which, of course, is to suck up to the Democrat Party.
Responding to Politico’s report, critics were full of mockery given the paper’s known sycophancy for dear leader.
Biden WH wants a new cheerleader, and the NYT wo n’t take the place of WaPo like they have WaPo has.
— Bill Marshal ( @aethelamerican ) April 25, 2024
The paper literally shreds his rival every hour. But THATS NOT ENOUGH! The paper must also kiss Biden’s behind.
— Arabella ( @Arabell74010289 ) April 25, 2024
After RFK JR’s polls in November turned out to be 24 %, The New York Times literally removed him from the polls. What else are they able to offer Biden?
— CBouds ( @bouds_c ) April 25, 2024
So Biden is upset that a liberal media outlet is n’t upholding his views. I find this hilarious because The NY Times has evolved into a woke activist organization and has n’t been the paper of record in a while.
— Jonathan Hirsch ️ ( @jhirsch84 ) April 25, 2024
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