San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond claims that the city is now home to the fresh center for illegal immigration and immigrants.
Desmond’s department reported that on Tuesday only, Border Patrol agents apprehended 2, 000 immoral borders crossers within the San Diego Sector, including 206 Chinese citizens.
According to Desmond, the subsequent increase in illegal crossings has “propelled San Diego to the terrible position of leading all nine southern border areas in April, a pattern unknown since the 1990s.”
Desmond even said that since the recent fiscal year began on Oct. 1, 2023, the San Diego Sector “has witnessed a remarkable 214, 855 apprehensions, representing people from over 75 countries across the globe”.
Border Report is awaiting a reply from U.S. Customs and Border Protection in order to ensure the statistics published by Desmond.
The results for April wo n’t be made public until the middle of May because CBP typically releases monthly encounter figures the following month.
In March, according to CBP figures, there were 33, 784 misgivings in the San Diego Sector. And since Oct. 1, 2023, when existing the fiscal time began, there have been 185, 469.
By contrast, the Tucson Sector has recorded 342, 002 apprehensions this governmental time.
Also, Desmond says there have been more than 30, 000 immigrant drop- reversals in the past two weeks alone in the San Diego area.
” People pirates have identified California, especially the San Diego border business, as
the path of least resistance for unlawful immigration”, Desmond said in a media release issued by his company Thursday. Border Patrol has unintentionally become the” Uber” for workers entering San Diego County, with the County acting as the destination.
Desmond is also important of California’s standing as a” temple state”, saying it “prohibits legislation
police from cooperating with immigration officers, hindering our ability to address
these issues efficiently”.
Border Report is requesting post from CBP officers regarding Desmond’s information release, and we will update this article as we hear from them.