Also, everybody’s heard about the birds. The animal is, after all, the word.  , In this post- horrific “diversity, capital, and addition” period, the gay birds, the trans bird, the bi- bird, is the word. Or trans- bi putt, if you prefer.  ,
The Southwestern Wisconsin Bird Alliance, previously known as Madison Audubon, offers “LGBTQIAP+ in Nature“, a school exploring the different variety of sexuality and thus- called gender fluidity in the animal kingdom. To third- students.  ,
The alliance claims on its web that” we know that there is a wonderfully wide range of ways that people identify, and scientists have learned that there are many examples of plants and animals that are LGBTQIAP+ in character as well”! You may come out then, purple. Your secret’s out. And plants, the homosexuals of plants, you’re never fooling anyone.  ,
We recently shared a lesson on this subject with one of our second grade groups last year. The economic group gushes,” It gave me a great opportunity to build equitable community in the classroom and it led to intelligent questions and discussions from the kids.”  ,
Just in case you’re doing it at home, the ever-expanding word of wickedness in people is now being imposed on innocent flora and fauna.
Kids can learn all about fish” that change sex ( sometimes repeatedly )” — without the help of child- torturing specialists. They can catch up with “bisexual bonobos” ( real swingers, those monkeys ), or “gender fluid” hummingbirds.  ,
The training is accessible to students in grades four through eight, with “alternative adjustments for intermediate students through high school” being provided. Do they keep the transsexual pandas for the sophomores?  ,
How’s what each category gets, according to the site:  ,
- A Google Bends display to show children with supporting information for teachers. This can be used basically or in- individual.  ,
- A file for printing merely the images]Good Lord, what kind of animal video are they pushing? ]: important for teaching without panels.  ,
- suggestions for discussion topics, putting together research projects in this area, and keeping a journal of character during the training.  ,
How about using this as a conversation point? Toucan Sam: We know he’s sweet, but is he queer?  ,
Or a feasible book entry: Dear Diary, Exit, phase left, also. Snagglepuss often had my suspicions that she might be queer. Today, owing to LGBTQIAP+ in Nature I know.
The Southwestern Wisconsin Bird Alliance is bringing this wild pride event instantly to Madison-area educators to allow the intense DEI indoctrination to continue in one of America’s most extreme school districts. And, yes, payers are picking up part of the page.
Pride in the Pride?
The beautifully diverse ways that people can recognize are celebrated in Pride Month. Do you realize that there are as many different animal and plant species as there are? An Instagram declaration from the empire from June. This brand-new set of activities and lessons explores the lives of a few of the diverse LGBTQIAP+ creatures that make up our wonderful world!
At the 2023 Madison Area Green and Healthy Schools Summit, sponsored by the Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education, Carolyn Byers, the chairman of eduction for the Southwestern Wisconsin Bird Alliance, shared the joys of the barbaric sexual variety. According to its website, the association is a “member-based, expert community of individuals and organizations with different backgrounds that supports responsible climate action, elevates voices for climate justice, and celebrates excellence in economic education.” Nothing compares to excellence in environmental education more than a lively discussion about the trans birds and bees.  ,
Last year’s summit was held at Madison’s Wingra School and included a” Madison Teacher Panel Discussion” featuring several educators. Teachers were taught about all kinds of bizarre and bizarre things at the summit. The bird alliance’s Byers led a session on” Talking About Big Topics with Kids: Diversity in Nature Lessons Created by Madison Audubon for Your Classroom” . ,
According to the bird alliance,” the main environmental movement has historically been led by and for white people.” Attendees at the Summit learned everything about “how our educators are beginning to shift that by centering diverse communities in the lessons we teach and in the community we build with the students.”
” This session will also highlight lessons focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and access that are available for free on our website like Bird Names for Birds, LGBTQIAP+ in Nature, and our Black Birder’s Week collection. ( *new organizational name coming soon )”, the session description states.  ,
Dan O’Donnell, a conservative conservative talk show host in Wisconsin, shared a photo of the instructor in action and the link to the Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance’s kinky wild kingdom class. The alliance did not take too kindly to O’Donnell’s share.  ,
” Unfortunately, sharing this post has attracted attention from people unfamiliar with or misinformed about our work, culture, values, and mission, who have made inaccurate and hateful comments”, the organization said in a response on the posted Facebook photo. There would be consequences, according to the group.  ,
The alliance rebuked these commenters for not engaging in respectful conversations in good faith in accordance with our community standards.  ,
” We stand with the LGBTQIAP+ community, who number among our staff, volunteers, and members. Hate and ignorance wo n’t stop us from creating welcoming environments for ALL nature lovers and bird enthusiasts,” the statement continued. Our lessons are all based on well-known natural phenomena that are well-studied by scientists and naturalists and accessible from trustworthy sources. We are proud to have examples of human integration in this already diverse world, and we applaud educators who are creating a safe and valued environment for ALL children to learn and pose important questions.
But is it necessary to push gender-bending fish and ape homoerotica to make ALL children feel” safe and valued”?  ,
None of this should deter anyone who has the misfortune of residing in Madison or who, like me, thanks his lucky stars every day for escaping Wisconsin’s insane asylum city. The same leftist organization that created the Feminist Bird Club is now bringing its identity politics to the wild world. Mary Perkins must be groping in his grave right now. If he were still alive, well, he’d be nearly 120 years old, but I bet he’d also be begging Jim to shoot him full of elephant tranquilizer.  ,
A recent detour into public education deviancy in America involves teaching nutty lessons about the sexuality and gender fluidity of plants and animals to 10-year-olds to instill the LGBT++ agenda. And taxpayers ‘ hard- earned money should n’t be paying for it.  ,
The inclusion scientists ought to be aware of what we of a certain age can learn from the well-known Chiffon margarine commercials: It’s not nice to deceive Mother Nature.  ,
Matt Kittle covers The Federalist’s senior elections coverage. An award- winning investigative reporter and 30- year veteran of print, broadcast, and online journalism, Kittle previously served as the executive director of Empower Wisconsin.