Families in all of the United States are prohibited from accessing their youthful children’s website electronic health records. The online health care portal for the military’s 13 to 17-year-olds is restricted to access all but the most basic information, as is the youthful small. Martial parents will need to be their own activists as they petition Congress to regain their parental rights, even though elected leaders are tackling this issue on the state levels.
Tricare, a provider of military insurance, finally released a press release in March explaining DOD regulations that place parents at risk from accessing adolescent records on the Military Health System ( MHS) Genesis as well as from” sensitive” physical records.
I wrote about my knowledge last year when I spent months trying to get the standard policy that forbids parents from entering these records. The plan must not be allowed to stand now that it has been exposed because it finally harms children.
Many military parents object to providers having a close relationship with their kids because they do n’t trust activist MHS doctors who think a child can be born in the wrong body to give them advice in secret, as some are doing.
In Louisiana, where two human parents were treated as the army, a disturbing example of what can occur when parents are excluded occurred. The company attempted to sway them into accepting their mother’s new identity as a child by asking them if they would prefer to have a dying child or a life son after less than an hour behind closed doors with their 13-year-old. Dr. Ryan Pasternak, one of the doctors involved, is a pioneer in adolescent medicine and has co-authored recommendations for the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine ( SAHM) regarding the management of electronic health records. The ideal approach of SAHM includes allowing only the adolescent to have full access, and constantly blocking parents so they only receive confidential information.
The MHS appears to be moving forward with its efforts to keep parents informed even as state legislature attempt to restore parental access to illiterate small medical information. Parents are probably concerned with the information I’ve found about gender activists and youthful security within the MHS.
Congress Is unable to work
The emerging discipline of youthful healthcare had “recently made a tremendous change from its traditional position,” according to a report released by the Defense Health Board, a national council that advises the secretary of defense. Companies now work to reduce risk-taking behaviors with their target aimed specifically at the adolescent, rather than providing proactive guidance to parents. Additionally, the panel suggested expanding the use of cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers to treat gender dysphoria and suggested coming gender-confusion surgery. The committee made the point that the Tricare Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment last law from September 2, 2016, “permits ‘ protection of all non-surgical medically necessary and appropriate treatment in the treatment of female dysphoria.” This was a final rule that was made by unelected bureaucrats, not Congress.
The Senate removed the recent attempts by Congress to outlaw transgender rights for minor military personnel from the House-passed National Defense Authorization Act, which was passed in fiscal 2024. The Exceptional Family Member Program was also outlawed in order to prevent it from being used to facilitate child transgender transitions.
Bases, Schools Push Transgenderism
Teenagers can now access private care on military bases and in school-based clinics. For example, Joint Base Lewis- McChord’s Madigan Army Medical Center’s adolescent clinic offers subspecialty care for transgender confusion, sexuality issues, and substance use, among other services. Madigan also maintains a system of school-based health clinics in 10 neighborhood schools. Tricare Prime insurance dependents are able to visit the clinic once per week.
If military parents are n’t “affirming” of a transgender identity, activist group PFLAG recommends that children talk with” a school counselor, the on- base youth Military Family Life Counselor ( MFLC ), a chaplain ( if from an affirming denomination ), or an online friend or peer”. Additionally, according to PFLAG, MHS Genesis now allows patients to indicate their gender in addition to the sex they were born with. This will “allow transgender youth to receive appropriate care without imposing as many limitations.” And “military LGBTQ+ organizations are currently working with DoDEA]schools for children of military families ] to incorporate the same procedures in school documents” . ,  ,
In the school-to-speel era, the amount of confidential care being offered to adolescents should raise the alarm. Ian Prior, founder of Fight for Schools, in his article,” Queer Whistleblower Exposes Evils of the School to Scalpel Pipeline”, shows how indoctrination into transgenderism can begin at school as young as kindergarten. Children are frequently encouraged to socially transition while attending school. Parents and their dysphoric children are led down that path of care by doctors who favor the “gender affirmation” approach because children are already convinced they were born in the wrong body when parents find out.
We are aware that secret transgender transitions are taking place in military schools overseas thanks to an official Department of Defense Education Activity ( DODEA ) teacher training in May 2021. In a letter to DOD in 2021, former representative Vicky Hartzler questioned why teachers were being trained at a DODEA teachers summit to help transition students from school without their parents ‘ knowledge. She never received a response, and DODEA continues to avoid being held accountable.
I spoke with a military mom whose daughter, Cami ( not her real name ), was enrolled in a public school in Fairfax County, Virginia, that concealed from her parents that she had transitioned to a boy at school. Though the mother only wanted Cami to see a therapist to address her depression, military medicine additionally referred her to a so- called gender clinic in the Washington, D. C., area. A military doctor called the mother after she did n’t take her daughter to the doctor, who suggested Cami might need puberty blockers to give her more time to decide about her sex. At the time of our conversation, the family was still reeling from the harm that” trusted” adults at school had caused.
MHS Treats Thousands of Confused Dependents
I came across a research conducted by active-duty medical doctors and a professor of medical school that mentioned a regional referral-based adolescent medicine clinic that opened in 2014 and serves dependents between the ages of 9 and 24 armed with this information about a gender clinic on base. It provides” services including diagnosis, puberty suppression, affirming- hormone treatment, reproductive health services… and affirming counseling, and refers for surgical, ancillary ( e. g., voice therapy ) and complex mental health services”.
Ft. Belvoir in Virginia fit the clinic’s description, and transgender- confused children do, indeed, seek care there. In 2016, Dr. David Klein served as Ft. Belvoir’s chief of adolescent medicine. He and his associates have meticulously documented their investigation into transgender-identifying military dependents. They reveal that from 2009 until 2017, more than 2, 500 military dependents, ages 4 to 25, sought treatment for gender confusion from the MHS. When Tricare started paying for dependents ‘ use of cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers in 2016, they observed a marked increase in the number of patients requesting such care. When considering estimates that the number of transgender-identifying youth in the United States nearly doubled between 2016 and 2022, one can only imagine how high the figures are today.
Another Klein study examined 53 gender-confused adolescents and evaluated the parental support for their care. Researchers looked at MHS data from 2014 to 2017 and rated strong support of parents for initiation or continuation of “gender transition” at 55.8 percent, non to moderately supportive at 25 percent, and conflicted support at 19.2 percent.
Although numerous studies have shown that military children have higher levels of anxiety and depression than civilian students, Klein and his co-authors have made important recommendations to doctors as if incorrectly titled “gender affirmation” is the only treatment for gender dysphoria. They assert that attempts to” convert a person’s gender identity to align with their sex assigned at birth are unethical and incompatible with current guidelines and evidence,” and that a transgender diagnosis is not necessarily related to other mental health issues.
In a discussion about understanding the risks and benefits of “gender-affirming” care, Klein and colleagues claimed that 7-year-olds can begin taking part in medical decisions, which garnered attention from the government last year. Fortunately, 53 percent of MHS physicians in that study said they would refuse to prescribe hormones despite being trained to do so, as former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard pointed out to Tucker Carlson. Unfortunately, other people would agree, and Klein is currently the director of the Travis Air Force Base’s family adolescent medicine program, where he trains the next generation of military doctors.
Unpopular in the Favorite Around the World
Even as MHS leaders continue to advocate for this harmful treatment for children, it is rapidly losing popularity among doctors around the world who are choosing psychotherapy as a first line treatment for gender dysphoria, after studies have shown that there is” no demonstrable, long-term benefit” on “psychosocial well-being of adolescents with gender dysphoria.
Additionally, WPATH, a leading organization for transgender care, was recently exposed for its insufficient evidence and safeguards that led to members carrying out pseudoscientific surgical and hormonal experiments on minors. And, similarly, the Cass Review, released this month, detailed how England’s leading , specialist youth transgender” clinic”, now permanently closed, was untethered from evidence- based medicine.
Detransitioners like Chloe Cole, who started transitioning at age 12 and had a double mastectomy by age 15, are leading the charge in the legal field as the rationale for transgender drugs and surgeries deteriorates. In this reckoning, DO and affirming physicians in the MHS must be included and held accountable for any harm suffered by military dependents under their care.
Military parents must demand that Congress uphold DOD’s policies that make it illegal for them to keep their children’s medical records and records from their parents and pass legislation clarifying their legal authority to regulate the care of their children. This is because laws and policies that make adolescents ‘ medical records and treatment be kept secret from their parents have the potential to be harmful to children and destructive to families.