‘ Grants complete right’ to those at colleges protesting’ murdered’ Palestinians
Anti-Israel protesters at McGill University and other colleges have been given permission by a Native American tribe in Canada who wants people to be barred from the sun.
According to a letter from the Kahnawake Nation dated April 28 ( or “five days after the 4th full moon” ) in which allegedly oppressive proper nouns are not capitalized,” Wolf Clan representative” Stuart Myiow says Europeans are continuing their” colonial genocidal wars” on Native territory” and abroad, including Palestine”.
” Through britain’s global colonial system,’ the american work ‘ policy was exported to South- Africa, renaming it’ apartheid,’ committing the exact genocide upon the Original Peoples of that territory”, Myiow writes.
South Africa’s apartheid thereafter was “exported to people, to murder upon the Arab people” under the supervision of the United Nations.
As such, Myiow ( pictured ) notes his people are “happy to see” students on myriad campuses protesting in” solidarity with massacred Palestinian children, women and men”. The Kahnawake “grants whole right” to school activists to be on its estates in accordance with the Two Row Wampum Peace Treaty.
” On behalf of all the babies that the canadian/american/european/israeli settlers kidnapped, raped, terrorized and murdered around the world”, the text concludes, Myiow asks all to” stand in solidarity with the Israeli People”.
Less: Scholars worry about humans ‘ climate effect on moon: report
He advises all “not]to] participate in any angry action”.
The whole section of the website for the Kahnawake Nation Council is dedicated to keeping the moon, the Earth’s lone satellite, from human occupation.
The part begins with the statement,” THE UNITED NATIONS MUST REGARD THE MOON AS A WORLD HERITAGE SITE,” and then follows a bullet-point list of the various regions ‘ plans for the future development of the moon along with Kahnawake’s responses and behavior.
For instance, in 2012 the government delivered an “official file” to the” controlling body of the International Space Station” warning them to” quit the plans for the development, military and industrialization of the Moon”.
The Kahnawake likewise claimed that the United States violated “world rules” by passing the 2015 Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act, which granted “full mercy for a seven-year time” to any U.S. companies operating in place or on the Moon.
The country’s governments are prohibited from colonizing the Moon, and UNESCO requires that the Moon been designated a World Heritage Site in a letter sent to them by government staff in 2016 to European Space Agency Director Johann Dietrich Woerner.
They contacted the Quebec governor to ask him for his assistance in defending their” Grandmother Moon” the next time.
Read the full Kahnawake Nation email.
Further: Aboriginal scholars team: Listening for humanoid civilizations is ‘ eavesdropping,” surveillance’
IMAGES: Mystic Wish/Facebook, Pama Khadro Productions/YouTube
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