The British National Health Service’s charter will explicitly state that intercourse is a natural reality that must be taken into account when treating patients, a clear rejection of transgender ideology and a victory for women’s rights activists.
Another significant wall of wokist medical thought, that sex is a liquid concept, appears to be dismantled in the manner that the NHS’ constitution did condition:” We are defining sex as biological sex. We are defining sex as natural sex.” Following the move by the National Health Service to prevent the prescription of life-altering puberty blockers to children.
According to The Telegraph, the release to the governing record of the socialized healthcare system may mean that so-called transgender women will be prohibited from female-only hospital wards in reality.
Due to the lack of recognition of sex as a natural point when determining where people were placed, some female people were forced to share a room with natural men who claim to become transgender girls.
According to the new constitution, NHS patients wo n’t “have to share sleeping accommodations with patients of the opposite biological sex.” Prior to this, the record stated that patients may be taken into the hospital of the sex they identified since.
The law will also permit people to request that they be cared for by a medical specialist of the same sex in response to concerns raised by female people over being seen by a trans nurse or doctor.
Government ministers have been given the task of updating the NHS constitution at least once every ten years. The last update to the document was in 2015. A two-month public consultation will be conducted in addition to the input from ministers to allow the general public and the healthcare sector to make additional suggestions for constitutional changes.
NHS England Bans Puberty Blockers for Transgender Children, Activists Denouncehttps: //t. co/qEmwTk7BSR
— Breitbart London ( @BreitbartLondon ) March 13, 2024
In response to the proposed changes, health minister Victoria Atkins said:” By putting this in the NHS constitution we’re highlighting the importance of balancing the rights and needs of all patients to create a healthcare system that is faster, simpler, and fairer for all.”
Women’s rights activists have long argued that the encroachment of transgender ideology into the government has resulted in an erosion of rights for women in favor of male-born transgender people. The decision to recognize sex as a biological reality was applauded by the move to do so.
Maya Forstater, the head of the Sex Matters campaign group, was fired from an anti-poverty think tank after declaring that transgender women were still, in reality, men. She praised the changes as “excellent news :”.
According to her,” the confusion between” sex” and “gender” in official policies like the NHS constitution has allowed the transgender identity movement to be violated in the name of women’s rights,” she said, claiming that many in the healthcare industry have been” confused and frightened” by transgender ideologues.
Forstater claimed the move is” simply a return to common sense and an overdue recognition that women’s wellbeing and safety matter.”
However, not everyone was pleased with the updates, with the chief executive of the NHS Confederation , Matthew Taylor saying that the health system should not be dragged into a “pre- election culture wars debate”.
Taylor said it is important that “high- quality care for all is maintained”, particularly for supposedly marginalised groups “including” trans and non- binary patients” to reduce” inequalities”. He continued, pleading for constitutional changes to be” clear and practical for NHS staff, who should n’t expect to have to interpret ambiguous guidance at a local level.”
Government ministers have also demanded that the updated constitution require providers to operate with” clear terms” and ban controversial woke phrases like” chestfeeding” and “people who give birth” in response to the need for clarity in the healthcare system.
NHS Report Finds Child Transgender’ Medicine ‘ Built on’ Shaky Foundations’, Rejects Puberty Blockershttps: //t. co/Lfo3vntcbN
— Breitbart London ( @BreitbartLondon ) April 10, 2024