Democrats and their pro-choice allies want to allow the newborn during the entire nine-month gestation period in all 50 states. A majority of U. S. adults reject that position, but that fact has n’t stopped the ballot measure battle that plagued Ohio last year from infiltrating several other states, including those controlled by Republicans, during the 2024 election cycle.
On the Poll
Florida voters will be asked come November 5 to weigh in on a state constitutional amendment declaring,” No rules shall ban, prosecute, delay, or restrict abortion before practicality or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the victim’s care company”.
As with other pregnancy measures led by out- of- position activists, the way to the Sunshine State’s vote measure involved deception and, in this case, false signatures. The article itself contains language that removes parental consent and is riddled with soft terms like “viability,” which is simply exploited to prevent pregnancy at any point during gestation.
If the proposed article passes this fall, health professionals in Florida may consider abortion at any stage of pregnancy needed for a woman’s “health”, physical, mental, or emotional. If it fails, Florida’s heartbeat law will stand.
Maryland is already one of the nation’s most pro-choice states, but a ballot measure up for vote on Election Day 2024 could strengthen the state’s extensive abortion rights and stop any future limitations from being passed.
Because it claims that abortion is” a central component of an individual’s rights to liberty and equality,” the proposed amendment seeks to enshrine an undefined “right to reproductive freedom” in the Declaration of Rights section of the state constitution.
The proposal, which is strongly supported by abortion giant Planned Parenthood, also says the state “may not, directly or indirectly, deny, burden, or abridge the right unless justified by a compelling state interest achieved by the least restrictive means”.
New York
Similar to Maryland, New York already allows unlimited abortions as long as a medical professional determines that the mother’s life or health, whether physical or mental, is in danger. Abortion activists are pressing New Yorkers to support the state’s desire for abortion by passing the Equal Rights Amendment, which would effectively stop the government from imposing limits on infant-to-be-killed in the future.
The proposed amendment also includes broad language that would violate parents ‘ rights and prevent the state from outlawing transgender mutilation and chemical castration of children.
Proposition One would violate the legal rights of parents with school-age children, including controversial gender transformation procedures, according to the Coalition to Protect Kids, according to the Coalition to Protect Kids. Whether through Albany sloppiness or pernicious ideological intent, it would violate these rights.
Could Be on the Ballot
Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris and outside abortion groups such as ACLU and Planned Parenthood, flocked to the Grand Canyon State this year to promote a measure that, if added to the 2024 ballot and passed, adds a “fundamental right to abortion” to the state constitution.
The broad language prevents the state from passing or enforcing laws punishing abortionists for killing babies, but it also leaves the definition of “viability” to a health care professional’s subjective judgment.
The organizers have until July 3 to gather 383, 923 valid signatures, but they already claim they have met the requirement to add the amendment to the November ballot.
The majority of Americans say they think 15-week abortion should be allowed. However, Arkansas abortion rights activists are attempting to gather signatures before July 5 to support a ballot initiative that would outlaw state regulations for abortion after 18 weeks of gestation.
The proposed constitutional amendment also carves out exceptions, regardless of state statute, for abortion beyond 18 weeks for fatal fetal anomalies and the undefined “health” of the woman.
Colorado’s current, unrestricted right to abortion for anyone who wants it is n’t good enough for the activists leading the national campaign for the constitutional amendment.
According to organizers, the number of verified signatures needed to add a constitutional amendment to the 2024 ballot would “permit” abortion to be a covered service under health insurance plans in addition to preventing previous efforts to limit abortion.
Abortion is prohibited in Missouri unless there are medical emergencies. However, a ballot initiative sponsored by the ill-fated Missourians for Constitutional Freedom adds a “right to reproductive freedom” that allows anyone to “make and carry out decisions about all matters relating to reproductive health care.”
The 171, 500 valid signatures needed to add the proposed amendment to the November 2024 ballot are up for grabs by activists until May 5.
Abortion activists introduced a ballot measure to “expressly provide a right to make and carry out decisions about one’s own pregnancy, including the right to abortion” in retaliation against Montana’s Republican-controlled legislature for trying to pass pro-life protections.
Austin Knudsen, the attorney general of Montana, attempted to overturn his claim that the measure “logrolls multiple distinct political choices into a single initiative” under Article XIV, Section 11 of the Montana constitution.
Abortion activists have until the June 21 deadline to collect signatures.
Abortion activists in Nebraska want to see a constitutional amendment added to the 2024 ballot that would “provide all persons the fundamental right to abortion without state interference.” Two other ballot measures that aim to shield unborn babies and mothers from the risks of abortion throughout pregnancy, however, are challenging the campaign.
By July 5th, petition organizers must turn in their collected signatures for certification.
Nevadans will be able to choose whether a proposal to enshrine a “fundamental right to abortion” in the state constitution will land on the November 2024 ballot in July.
Any gestation is currently permitted in Nevada as long as the doctor has a “reasonable cause to believe” that an abortion is necessary to protect the pregnant woman’s life or health. The proposed amendment would also further abolinate or restrict abortion in the state.
Even if the amendment is approved on the 2024 ballot, it must go through a second general election to be ratified in full.
South Dakota
South Dakota’s pro-life protections forbid abortion unless it is to save the mother’s life. A ballot measure that activists say has met the state’s May 7 threshold for signatures, however, hopes to change that.
The proposed amendment’s proposed amendments state that the state should not be able to control abortions in the first trimester. Instead, it contends that South Dakota should only be able to impose abortion restrictions in the third trimester and those that “are reasonably related to the pregnant woman’s physical health” in the second trimester.
Jordan Boyd is a co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour and a staff writer at The Federalist. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordanian completed her political science major at Baylor University and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.