Florida wellness regulators released , two crisis rules on Thursday to fight the “deeply selfish fear strategy and disinformation being perpetuated by the media, the Biden Administration, and advocacy groups”, now that the state’s six- week abortion restriction is in effect.
The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration ( AHCA ) reports that a deeply dishonest scare campaign and disinformation being perpetuated by the media, the Biden Administration, and advocacy groups that falsely represent the State’s efforts to protect life, mothers, and families, according to the rules.
The Agency is beginning rulemaking to prevent any potential damage to pregnant women as a result of deception. The regulations will require that health care providers establish medical record policies that effectively safeguard the needs of both mothers and their newborn children in times of emergency.
Please learn the Agency for Health Care Administration’s Myth vs. Fact to find out more about the lies and misconceptions that surround Florida’s Heartbeat Protection Act. ⬇ ️ pic. twitter.com/D1n7USigFh
— Florida AHCA ( @AHCA_FL ) May 1, 2024
Regulators specifically focused on health conditions that may occur after six weeks of pregnancy and” can provide an immediate threat to the wellness, safety, and welfare of women and newborn children in hospitals and abortion clinics if quick and appropriate care and treatment is not rendered.” Those conditions include “premature tear of membrane”, which is when a person’s water breaks quickly, ectopic pregnancies, and chorionic tumors.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, an abnormal pregnancy is a “life-threatening state” that results from a fertilized egg implanting outside of the uterus. With chorionic cancers, the malignancies” start off as tissues called trophoblasts, which generally develop into the , placenta , of pregnancy”, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Although most cancers are non-cancerous, some may be diseased and spread to nearby tissues or organs.
Both regulations clarify that chorionic lesions and ectopic pregnancies will not be categorized as abortions. If doctors attempt to generate a live baby but the baby dies due to a quickly damaged membrane, the rules also state that it “does not form an abortion.”
According to the regulations, hospitals are required to “maintain written rules and procedures governing the maintenance of medical records for the treatment of premature rupture of membranes, ectopic pregnancies, trophoblastic tumors, and other life-threatening conditions.”
A hospital must admit a woman who has been diagnosed with premature rupture of membranes for observation unless the treating physician decides a different course of action is more appropriate to protect the life and health of the mother and the unborn child. If doctors decide on another treatment, they would have to document their reasons.
Additionally, the regulations require that any medical facility that performs abortions must submit monthly reports to the agency or face administrative penalties.
The pro-choice left is fabricating information for political gain. A doctor’s job becomes more difficult as a result of attempts to demonize the standard of care for women, which could put a pregnant woman’s life in danger. The Heartbeat Protection Act protects women from life- threatening complications while … https ://t.co/BRC8FJdWOD
— Jason Weida ( @JasonWeidaFL ) May 1, 2024
Following a decision from the Florida Supreme Court on April 1 upholding the state’s 15-week abortion restriction, the state’s Heartbeat Protection Act became effective on Wednesday. The court’s decision to allow the 15-week abortion cap to remain in effect allowed the state to implement its state’s six-week abortion cap.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ( R )  , signed , the six- week heartbeat bill in April 2023, which contains exceptions for rape, incest, human trafficking, life of the mother, and” to avert a serious risk of imminent substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function”. The state Supreme Court stayed the six-week ban until it could decide whether to implement the 2022 state law.
Similar actions have been taken in other states where laws restricting abortion have been passed. The emergency rules from regulators follow these actions. For instance, South Dakota governor and Texas Medical Board are considering similar laws in their state. In March, Kirsten Noem ( R ) signed a first-of-its-kind” Med Ed” bill to combat misinformation about abortion and offer guidance to healthcare workers.
For Breitbart News, Katherine Hamilton is a political reporter. You can follow her on X , @thekat_hamilton.