The local Hitler Youth was triumphed over by a comedy club in Madison, Wisconsin, which is located in the far-left capital of Madison.
Rapaport is a left-leaning Jew who has defied his Democrat Party by actively defending Israel’s right to exist in its conflict with Hamas, a despair organization responsible for the Israeli murder on October 7 that explicitly calls for the extermination of Israel and the murder of Jews.
The Beautiful Girls ( a masterpiece ) actor was set to appear at Comedy on State on Thursday, May 2. Otherwise, ticket holders received an email announcing the withdrawal, and the nearby bullies in the pro- Hamas Hitler Youth won a big success.
The message read, in element:
Dear Patron of Comedy on State,
I’m hoping your information is all well. We’re contacting you to let you know that a major update has been made for our future Thursday display with Michael Rapaport. We have had to make the difficult decision to withdraw the Thursday present with Michael Rapaport in light of the current situation in downtown, which has seen an upsurge in protests and controversial dialogue in the area. The health and properly- being of our audience members, employees, and society are our top priorities, and we believe this choice is in the best interest of all involved.
We appreciate your understanding and assistance at this time. We are dedicated to making sure all of our audience members have a good expertise, and your health and well-being are of the utmost importance to us.
Caving to your neighborhood Brownshirts just makes them stronger and puts further risk on everyone’s protection.
And so…
In the United States of America, a Jew lost a reservation because he was Hebrew.
Rapaport gave an xweet in response to the news. ” Yup!!! Quite, quite, quite sucked up”! he wrote.
Yup!!! Really, pretty, very sucked up! https ://
— MichaelRapaport ( @MichaelRapaport ) May 2, 2024
The government’s main task is to protect the God-given right of its citizens, especially the freedom of speech, according to America’s foundation: this process underlies its founding. This implies that if Comedy on State and the Madison police were anything close to American ( or decent ), the government would have ensured Rapaport’s arrest without putting himself or anyone else in danger.
But that did n’t happen.
Otherwise, Comedy on State, which should be at the forefront of protecting performers ‘ right, handed Madison’s Hitler Youth a big” W”.

Pro-Palestinian protesters scurry their arms as officers storm the University of Wisconsin in Madison’s school on May 1, 2024. ( AP Photo/Todd Richmond )
I think the following is a fair and reasonable premise…
How many of the idiots who own and operate Comedy on State have watched or read things about Hitler, the Nazis, Joe McCarthy, etc., and told themselves, If I were dead then, I would’ve stood up against love, hatred, and McCarthyism!
Come about. How many people do you believe told themselves that?
I’ll bet you it was all of them.
Also, look at the quislings today.
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