An image of former president Donald Trump is apparently being burned by members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in a new movie that has been shared on social media. The three individuals in the film allegedly warned Trump in Ukrainian, saying,” You will never become president again”.
Ian Miles Cheong, a journalist and critic, shared the picture Thursday on X, previously Online. Cheong wrote,” Users of the Russian military burn an effigy of Donald Trump.’ You will never become president repeatedly.'”
Three masked Russian troops are seen future to a paper design or replica next to the picture, which was shared on X and Telegram.
We addressed Donald Trump,” was the phrase in a language of the alleged Russian soldiers ‘ speech. Because of you, bastard, President Zelensky could n’t get any weapons. You’ll always win the presidency. You are a liar, you will spend with your body for what you did”.
The three soldiers allegedly set the Trump image on fire after making threats to him.
Thursday’s film led to mingled emotions on social media. One person expressed doubts about the video’s authenticity after claiming that it appeared to have been recorded with “far west Russian accents.”
Another user wrote,” Have you ever heard Ukrainian being spoken? You may sound like a villain trying to read from a notecard with a strange voice if you tried to speak Ukrainian.
Learn MORE: Video: Democrat representative calls Ukraine border ‘ our frontier ‘
A second person tweeted,” Any Russian or Ukrainian speech was immediately infer that this is staged.” ” Sounds Russian, but is memorized with big accent on syllables, as if russian would respond. like how to identify American as being Russian.
Some users, on the other hand, criticized the former president and made offensive remarks toward the alleged Russian soldiers in the movie. These stupid are unaware that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine would have never begun if Trump had been president of the United States.
As Ukraine fights against Russia’s invasion, President Joe Biden recently signed a bill that will give the nation an additional$ 60 billion in tax money. In both the Senate and the House of Representatives, the act received bipartisan support. Sen. Lindsey Graham ( R- S. C. ) recently claimed the bill, which included a “loan component”, “would not have passed without Donald Trump”.