After the nine-year-old boy confused him for a poor man and offered him his single dollar, a philanthropist businessman and a nine-year-old boy made an improbable friendship.
Matt Busbice, the owner of the sporting goods brand and television personality, was woken by a fire alarm in his building in April. He quickly gathered some arbitrary mismatched clothing and headed outdoors.  ,
After placing an order at a coffee store down the street, Busbice went onto the deck to slowly pray, surveillance footage from the store, shared with WBRZ, shows.  ,
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When Busbice was standing in the spot with his eyes closed as Kelvin Ellis Jr. passed by.  ,
” I started to slowly open my eyes, and there’s a person coming at me, about my height”, Busbice said to CBS News.
Ellis Jr. presented a$ 1 act he had received from his parents for good results with his clenched fist.
” And I go,’ What?'” Busbice told host Steve Hartman.  ,
” ‘ If you’re poor, how’s a buck,'” Ellis Jr. recalled telling Busbice.
” I always wanted to help a poor man, and I suddenly had the opportunity”, the child said.
Busbice, however, was simply disheveled from being awakened by a noisy concern. He is also the number of Popular Outdoor on Outdoor Channel and the creator of the outdoor companies BuckFeather, Tectonic USA, and AccuBow.  ,
The 42-year-old businessman invited Ellis Jr. to had breakfast with him instead of being offended because he was mistaken for a poor man.  ,
The young child asks his father for authority after the film from CC’s Coffee House. After receiving a positive response, he went back to Busbice to get his father a meal sandwich and cup of coffee.
Busbice invited him to a completely shopping spree at his Baton Rouge sporting goods store where he purchased clothing and a new vehicle because he was so moved by Ellis Jr.’s incredible generosity.  ,
” If you give, you’re really going to get more out of that”, Busbice said. ” I could n’t grasp that as a kid. And if we can distribute that about, everything changes”.
The nine-year-old admitted to being content when he attempted to give away his money to someone in have despite being happy to receive the presents.  ,
” Joy, because I helped someone”, Ellis Jr. said of how he felt. You feel like you’ve got a lot of things from it when you give it apart.