Just hrs after Israel warned residents of Rafah, the final Hamas stronghold, to leave because of an immediate invasion, the Arab Hamas evil business claimed on Monday that it had accepted a peace.
After battling for days against agreeing to a package with Israel, Hamas immediately declared that it had accepted the Ancient and Qatari terms for a momentary ceasefire.
However, according to rumors, Israeli leaders claimed Hamas was “agreeing” words with which Israel had no proposed or accepted.
As thousands of Israeli civilians began leaving Rafah, a strategic city on the Iranian border and the last area in Gaza that Israel has not yet fully entered, the abrupt urgency may have been related to the pending attack.
According to a report from Breitbart News earlier on Monday, Israel used text emails, phone calls, and other means of e-mail to warn residents to leave the Al-Mawasi humanitarian area along the coast and other local locations.
A spokesman for the Israeli government inquired whether the warnings were intended to compel Hamas to take a package and whether Israel had promised to carry out the war plans for a number of months.
Hamas, immediately facing its last destruction, appears to be much more willing to actual a deal — if one is still possible.
Israel’s emphasis on annihilating Hamas socially and physically prevented it from gaining control of Gaza again, was the sticking point in earlier negotiations. Hassan demanded that any hostage-taking agreement between Israel and Hades include a pledge to put an end to the conflict.
Then, with Israel showing that it is willing to attack Hamas even before the victims are released, Hamas leaders may become focused on personal- protection. Can a genuine ceasefire agreement really be reached? That is still to be seen.
Joel B. Pollak is Top Editor- at- Big at Breitbart News and the number of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday night from 7 p. m. to 10 p. m. ET ( 4 p. m. to 7 p. m. Platinum ). He is the creator of the new e- guide,” The Zionist Conspiracy ( and how to meet it )”, now available on Audible. He is also the creator of the electronic- text, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U. S. Presidential Election. He is a champion of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Following him on Twitter at @joelpollak.
Photo: report