It’s starting to sound like 2016 all over again.
Democrats are aggressively pushing the Trump-is-Hitler narrative in the wake of the presidential election, with former Disney manager Jeffrey Katzenberg the most recent figure to recreate the antediluvian analogy in an apparent bid to arouse the deeply divided left’s support for the unhappy Joe Biden.
At a top meeting on Sunday in West Hollywood, Jeffrey Katzenberg, the co-chair of Biden’s re-election campaign, compared former president Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, according to a Deadline record. Although it is still not known who simply was at the Axios event, the group was described as “well-heeled.”
” When I was in high school, we were studying Third Reich Germany and the increase of Hitler, and over the trip, our tutor suggested to the school that, to the level which we could, please go home and talk to your relatives”, Katzenberg reportedly said. ” Question them, what did they study”? What did they see? What did they hear? What they do?”
Katzenberg said his family members who lived in Europe prior to World War II ” ,thought this guy was a clown, that what he was saying was so incredibly impossible, and unimaginable. And finally we ran for our lives, rather literally.”
According to Deadline, Katzenberg was sung in contemplative quietness by the audience.
During his statement, Katzenberg equated Biden with politics — another Democrat technique to slander any opponent, including second- party candidates, as threats to democracy.
” And I said to my family, my companion, for 49 times, when my children, my grandchildren when question me: What did I discover? What did I would? I’ll be able to declare that I did everything in my power to defend our republic.
Robert De Niro, a Hollywood celebrity, compared Trump to Hitler in a recent MSNBC meeting, according to Breitbart News.
Katzenberg and De Niro both made no mention of Trump’s history as a staunch supporter of Israel and the creation of Middle Eastern peace agreements that provided relative security.
Hamas’s worst tragedy against Jews since the Holocaust was committed on October 7, 2015, until Biden became president.
Liberals are panicking because young liberals intend to resign Biden in November due to the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza.
A new NBC News poll shows Biden’s popularity collapsing among younger Democrats,  , with a staggering 70 percent of those aged 18 to 34 critical of his management of the problems.
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