A 26- yr- older male who cannot float was seriously injured after being shoved into a lake in Farmerville, Louisiana, on April 14.
The New York Post reported on Saturday that Christopher Gilbert was reportedly pushed into the waters by one of his friends at Lake D’Arbonne.
A young girl finally intervened to assist him as the team looked down into the water shortly after the incident occurred. Ten minutes passed before a waitress at a local restaurant intervened to help him out of the ocean. Nobody in the friend group acknowledged that Gilbert could n’t swim.
According to KSLA, Gilbert was under for those ten days. He immediately admitted to falling into the river with the friends. Nevertheless, a young member of the group has apparently admitted to kicking him into the water.
While another photo shows the hospitalized young man wearing his cap and gown, another photo shows him in a different setting:
Aspiring doctor brain dead after friends pushed him into lake knowing he ca n’t swim: report https ://t.co/ItuKeuxknq pic. twitter.com/0BbsuW0wTl
— New York Post ( @nypost ) May 5, 2024
The victim’s mother, Yolanda George, said her brother was left brain dead and doctors placed him on a vent and ECMO system for 72 hours.
A valve is used to pump air into a woman’s body, per Web MD. A heart-lung device that removes carbon monoxide and sends oxygen-filled blood back to body tissue is used to pump blood outside of your body, according to the Mayo Clinic website.
When speaking of her father’s injuries, George said she was “devastated”.
In that time, I felt as though my career was over. My brother wants to become a doctor, and my son wants to do the same. He completed his natural research master’s degree last year. He’s preparing for medical school but for this to had happened to him … I was really devastated”, she added.
Gilbert is then recovering from the event. His family demands that the situation be made illegally by law enforcement.
In 2019, a young woman was sentenced to two days in jail, 38 times of community services, and slapped with$ 300 in charges for shoving her companion off a 60- base bridge in Washington state, according to Breitbart News.
The victim suffered severe injuries, including punctured lungs and broken ribs, as a result of the fall.