The party conventions are approaching, and three obvious examples of how Republicans who wanted to become Donald Trump’s running mate may behave are exactly the opposite.
I’m not sure what Republicans anticipate, but if it’s that the next six months will be” challenging” or “grueling”, they have n’t been paying attention. This vote is going to be bloodshed. The upheaval of 2020 was only a forerunner. The wreaks that did follow will also have an impact on Trump’s choice for vice president. With that in mind…
1. Do n’t let your mouth write a check you ca n’t cash
As of this writing, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, when greatly recommended as a V. P. contender, is on a tour of self- humiliation, answering questions about unfathomable claims she made in a book that are either manifestly false or bizarre to the point of psychopathy.
In her book, which she nearly undoubtedly did n’t read, Noem said she blasted a 14- fortnight- old home dog with a shotgun after allowing it to run wild. Even more severe, she claimed to have “met with” North Korean tyrant Kim Jong Un, who “underestimated me”. Yet starving North Koreans heard that story and mustered the strength to say,” Girl, you sound really, truly dumb”!
Noem’s protection of both says, embarrassing in themselves, has been excruciating to see. A properly good, though inadequately trained home dog is just like an old, tired horse, according to her claim that working on a farm means she must kill animals constantly. — before admitting she had not met Kim Jong Un. She would only allow that,” I do n’t have conversations about my conversations with world leaders”, while also insisting that she has asked that the book’s content be amended to exclude the Kim anecdote about having been “underestimated” by Kim altogether.
Republicans, if you want to genuinely retake control of the White House, you ca n’t do it by blatantly alienating yourself in ways that are at best undignifying and at worst.
2. Accept the flawed framework and concept of the national media forever and forever.
Doug Burgum, government of the other Dakota, has shown promise as a potential working girlfriend or future cabinet member in a second Trump presidency. However, he also showed that he is incapable of properly dispiriting and despised media characters who are eager to kill him in an appointment with CNN’s Jake Tapper over the weekend.
Referring to recent remarks by Trump at a fundraiser, Tapper asked Burgum if he was” comfortable” with the former president” comparing the Biden administration to the Gestapo”. Bergum dismissed Trump’s accusation as” a short comment, deep into the thing that was n’t really central to what he was talking about”. That is the incorrect way to respond to a covert query.
The best way to convey to the dork anchor is to let them know how comfortable you are with comparing Nazi Germany to Biden, just as Tapper is with his entire system using the” Big Lie” saying, which Hitler used to vilify Jews, as a metaphor for Trump’s 2020 campaign. Why, Jake, are you comfortable with using opinions espoused by Adolf Hitler to strike your social criticism? Jake, are n’t you Jewish? Why do you approve of that kind of cruel language?
In an effort to highlight the unfair use of the law in Democrats ‘ trial of Trump, Burgum made a brave effort, but inadvertently legitimizes the criminality of the process. What matters is that the trial is politically motivated, is corrosive to democracy, and is cheered on to the delight of Joe Biden and Democrats, members of a major political party that is explicitly destroying the when- spiritual rule of law by corrupting our lawful institutions, traditions, and norms.
3. Accept the fact that this election is unlikely to be impartial, and say it loudly.
Six months before the election, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott was repeatedly asked to concede Republican defeat in a separate TV interview over the weekend. ” Would you commit to accepting the bottom line of 2024?” asked NBC’s Kristen Welker.
Then she asked:” Yes or no, will you accept the election results of 2024, no matter who wins”? and,” Just yes or no, will you accept the election results of 2024″? and,” Just a yes or no answer”, and,” Will you commit to accepting the election results”? and” Will you accept to support the election results in this cycle, regardless of who wins”?
Scott repeatedly said he expected Trump to win the election and would n’t answer a “hypothetical”. It’s a response that does no particular harm but misses an indispensable opportunity to urgently confront the gravest threat to our republic— , demonstrable, verifiable election rigging by Democrats, the media, and Washington.
In order to make it easier for Democrats, the media, and the permanent bureaucracy to conspire and steal this election, Scott would say in a more useful way:” I’m not going to preemptively concede defeat.” We’ve seen this playbook before. By spiesturing on Trump’s campaign and falsely accusing him of being a Russian asset, the same people rigged the 2016 election and harmed his first term in office. By censoring Covid-19 information, suppressing damaging information about Joe Biden, and starting a race war, the same people rigged the 2020 election. That is in addition to the unconstitutional court rulings that flooded the country with ballot-turning laws and hampered state elections laws. Do n’t you dare ask me to accept defeat on your program before this is even close to being over because I know what you’re up to and there’s no telling how far you’ll go this time.
This is n’t going to be easy. It’s not going to be “hard”. It’s going to be a bloodbath. Republicans who ca n’t possibly avoid doing so would be better off avoiding TV and making up their minds. They should not aspire to be Donald Trump’s running mate, either.