Gov. According to Kathy Hochul (D-NY), “young black kids growing up in the Bronx do n’t even know what the term” computer” is.”
” They do n’t know”, she added. ” They do n’t know these things”.
The Governor of New York believes that young black people are unaware of the meaning of the word” system.” photograph. twitter.com/N13QL1efGf
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial ) May 7, 2024
The Democratic Party, the organization that waged the Civil War to hang onto their prisoners before founding the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow, and discrimination, has always had this condescending toward black people at its core. However, Hochul’s illiterate and prejudiced lips burst earlier this month as it bubbled and finally burst to the area.
You can watch the whole picture of her presentation at the” Milken Institute Fireside Chat” online at this link. Her bigoted remarks are heard at about the seven- second level … Finally comes my favorite part … Watch as Hochul, after spewing prejudice, is allowed to go on without being challenged by the occasion moderator, the significantly- left Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart. He is such a good dog that he does n’t criticize, criticize, or even mention it when he lets a white woman get away with a flagrant act of racism.
Because she’s a Democrat, and he’s a political servant, Capehart just moves on …
White Democrats: Black folks lack the necessary knowledge to understand computers.
Servant: Tell us more about how great you are.  ,
Little has changed since the days of servitude other than the plantation’s architecture, which is really revealing in this truly revealing moment. Democrats also think that dark people are ignorant and helpless. Liberals believe that black people may be cared for and controlled because they are everything else through the federal government.
Because of this falsehood that black people are poor, Democrats and the organized left are able to support it, making it the worst kind of racism available today ( as well as hating white people ).
But Capehart, man… What a dreadful little person to help such a thing to be said without problem. He just cares about himself and his position within the corporate press bowl. He could n’t even summon the decency and dignity to state the obvious …
Why is it only dark children in the Bronx, Governor? What about the light, Spanish, and Eastern children stuck in the Bronx? Do they not encounter the same drawbacks? Would they not be just as uneducated?
Rather, he once more demonstrated that he was a fool, a liar, and a force who would permit a slew of flagrant racism wherever he goes.
Democratic loyalists and their faithful sell-outs Vile persons.
John Nolte’s first and last book, Borrowed Time,  , is winning five- sun shouts from regular users.  , You can read an excerpt , around and an in- level review , around.  , Even available in book and on Kindle and Audiobook.  ,