A double Spanish- Portuguese national charged with murdering a 14- year- older boy in northern- east London “largely decapitated” his victim during the sword attack,  , a court has heard.
On April 30, Marcus Arduini Monzo, 36, supposedly attacked Daniel Anjorin, 14, by running up behind him and slashing his neck and chest with a samurai sword.
The girl, who was a kid at a local independent class, died as a result of” sharp power pain” to the brain and was “largely decapitated” in the assault, the court heard.
Release: A 14- year- older child has died following a dagger attack in London on Tuesday morning, Met Police , Chief Superintendent Stuart Bell said. https ://t.co/6xzGYWkyJo
— Breitbart London ( @BreitbartLondon ) April 30, 2024
Four other persons – including two police officers– were seriously injured in individual attacks, all within 20 days.
According to Tom Little Houston, who described the situation, the charges against the defendant spanned roughly 20 days and started when a truck was purposefully driven into a member of the public who was knocked into a garden, according to the Daily Telegraph.  , He went on:
 , The accused next gets out of the vehicle with a dagger. The victim says ‘ I do n’t know you’, the defendant says ‘ I do n’t care, I will kill you’ and then attacks him with the sword.
Daniel Anjorin, a 14-year-old boy, is attacked from behind while he is walking to school, generally decapitating him with a sword in the neck and head.
Little explained that the defendant was then accused of attacking a nurse before breaking into a stranger’s house and attacking a male in his home in front of his woman and child.
Khan’s London: 43 Knife Crime Incidents Recorded Per Day Amid Gang Violence Surge in British Capitalhttps: //t. co/QkvuZ35uRh
— Breitbart London ( @BreitbartLondon ) December 26, 2023
Before being tasered and taken into custody, Monzo is accused of further assaulting two police officers.
On July 23, he will next appear before the Old Bailey for a plea hearing.
A trial is set to begin in February.