According to significantly- left Axios, if former President Trump wins election, his presented financial policies” may revive inflation”.
Let’s start with the blatant advertising behind the choice of “reignite” in the title, may we?
Reignite, y’all.
Per the lexicon:
 , spark / , ˌriːɪɡˈnaɪt , / word 1. to catch fire or trigger to get fire suddenly
Well, the hoaxsters at Forbes are so eager to see His Fraudulity Joe Biden reelected that they have made it their terrible readers who read the headlines to believe there is no inflation today. Inflation is inert, you see. Inflation is useless. Prices is solved. Prices is gone. If we elect Trump, we will experience that terrible inflation that we have n’t had since Joe Biden’s time. The only way to restore inflation is to REIGNITE it.
Let’s go to the statistics, shall we?
Under President Hunter’s Dad, we are now suffering through almost unprecedented prices, which is getting worse, not much. After three years of crippling inflation that reached a level of 9 %, inflation is currently at a terrible 3.5 %, according to Biden. Now get this …
No after.
…during Trump’s administration did prices climb to as high as 3.5 percent.
Never again during Trump’s administration did inflation leading three percent.
Under Trump, what are the typical annual inflation costs?
- 2017: 2.1 percentage
- 2018: 2.4 percentage
- 2019: 1.8 percentage
- 2020: 1.2 percentage
Under President Roomba, what are the average annual inflation costs?
- 2021: 4.7 percentage
- 2022: 8.0 percentage
- 2023: 4.1 percentage
However, the hoaxsters and shameless propagandists at Axios claim that 1 ) there is no inflation today; 2 ) that President Trump’s economic policies, which have been tried and tested for four years, will result in a completely different outcome this time.
Here’s my preferred collection item in the Forbes report…the one where these conservatives claim Trump’s restrictions on immigration may increase inflation. Although I am aware of how insane that sounds to regular people, Axios is run by a large group of crooks who were the ones who actually wrote this…
” Trump has  , vowed to have out , the’ largest private imprisonment activity in American background,'” Forbes writes — as though that’s a bad thing. But “economists believe last month ‘s , emigration increase , allowed the employment sector to remain booming without adding to inflationary pressure”.
Forbes ‘ conclusion:” Trump’s imprisonment plans — while , supported by the majority of Americans , — may exacerbate labour shortages and kindle prices”.
There’s that phrase “reignite” once!
For good pups at Forbes. Very, very fine puppies.
Let’s talk financial principles, shall we?
What causes prices? Primarily, it’s three things: 1 ) excessive government spending, which 2 ) cheapens money, and 3 ) the natural price increases that occur when demand for goods and services exceeds supply.
Let’s not overlook how many harder prices is when wages and cost of living rises collide.
But Joe Biden has opened our southern border to buy millions and millions of illegal third-world Democrats. So…
Does this result in additional federal spending—which creates prices? Of course it does. We’re talking tens of billions of dollars yearly in more government spending to move, feed, house, inform, and give all that free health care.
Does this effect in need exceeding source for goods and services—which raises prices? Of course it does. Every good and service available, including power, foods, and cover, are now being contested by millions and millions of illegal aliens in three of the hardest hit by inflation, which is currently being served by three different countries.
Does this result in lower income? You may get joking. Of course it does. All these improper creatures willing to pay you a lot less for your employment…? Do n’t be stupid.
Forbes is a tumor on reality. Compromised, crooked, fascist, and blatantly deceptive program propagandists.
Do n’t believe your eyes, or the facts, or Trump’s proven record … Believe Axios.
John Nolte’s first and last book, Borrowed Time,  , is winning five- sun shouts from regular users.  , You can read an excerpt , around and an in- level review , around.  , Even available in book and on Kindle and Audiobook.  ,