Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said , Thursday on MSNBC’s” Morning Joe” that student protesters did n’t “know very much” about the Middle East.
When asked about the protests at college campuses across the country, Clinton said,” First of all, I have had many meetings, as you have had, with a lot of younger people over the last several decades today. You are ideal. They are completely ignorant of the Middle East’s background, or at all of its implications, including those of our own country. They do n’t know how the former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, the former head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and then Yasser Arafat, came together in the Middle East. A state on 96 % of the Palestinians ‘ territory, with 4 % of Israel being given, was offered to the Palestinians in order to reach 100 % of the desired territory.
She added,” This offer was made.  , And if Yasser Arafat had , accepted it, there would have  , been a Palestinian state then for , about 24 years. It’s one of the excellent tragedies , of story that he was able to , say yes. You know, my partner has a book , coming out later this month, Joe,  , in which he talks about how Arafat kept saying he wanted to , agree, but he was very sure , he’d been killed”.
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