( NewsNation )— On TV and in newspapers, there are plenty of images from the southern border of migrants crossing from Mexico to America.
While this has spurred significant political debate and separate, there’s also a charitable aspect to what’s happening. A lot of children and families, some waiting on the Hispanic side of the border, are trying to get across, but they need food, water and medical attention while they wait.
Along the way, there are aid organizations and individuals who volunteer to assist people in need. Donors from all sides of the aisle are putting their distinctions aside to assist those who need them.
A NewsNation team discovered a little camp city in Arizona where migrants were resting and Americans prepared meals for them. Every day, new parties show up, waiting for border guard to pick them up, and arriving migrants arrive.
Democrats and Republicans were the candidates that the participants identified with, according to NewsNation.
” We are never out here breaking the law or engaging in any unlawful behavior.” We are certainly driving people to Tucson or anything”, one charity, Bob Kee, said. ” We do n’t do that”.
Rather,” we are looking out for humanity”, Kee said.
” I am not here to assess these people”, Kee told NewsNation. ” I am here to offer help. That is why I’m around. They need support. How can you look at a young child without offering them food or guidance? I ca n’t turn away. That is part of my opinion system”.
In Nogales, Arizona, NewNation crews went through a hole and quickly realized how simple and quick entry is.
On the Hispanic side of the border, people could be seen waiting for meetings to enter the country.
One man claimed they had been waiting for ten days to enter the United States, while another claimed they had been waiting for six months.
When questioned why not simply move across, they responded that they are “waiting their change” and want to proceed legally by entering through a port.
NewsNation discovered that people chose not to cross illegally at a local house run by a Catholic generosity called Kino Border Initiative.
Joanna Williams, Kino’s executive producer, said some workers have a deep appreciation for the laws of the country in which they are arriving.
” That is what I hear from the persons around”, Williams said. ” They say,’ Well, we want to pursue a program.'”
Many donors claim that despite their conservative political views, they ca n’t help other people because of the importance of helping families.
Williams remarked,” That is something that is unique and beautiful because we can combine so many fibers.” ” We are never primarily a social organization. We are a group that is concerned about the respect for the arrivals, the mothers, and the fathers. Many people can come together to support that goal.