The simplistic model about oppression that is making people oppose Israel is displayed on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s” Real Time,” according to Duke Professor and New York Times Contributing Opinion Writer and Frank Bruni, who said that the curricula of” a lot of extra schools, likely the kind that several Ivy League students have been to,” and in the curricula of some wealthy colleges.
Bruni stated that the criticism of Israel is largely due to a “paradigm that people like to apply to every scenario: If you have more energy, you’re definitely in the bad, and if you have less, you’re probably in the right. If you have more poverty, you’re definitely in the wrong, and if you have less, you’re probably in the right”.
Guest Bill Maher therefore cut in to state,” And body voice”. Which Bruni agreed with.
Bruni added that the crimes of October 7 have been eradicated by the use of this model in the Israel-Hamas issue.
Who would want a baby to feel this way about the state at this time, asks Maher later in the sector after reading a UCLA student’s about being oppressed?
Bruni responded,” The question is n’t just who raises them to feel this way, it’s who educates them to feel this way. There is the model that I previously mentioned if you examine the curricula of many secondary schools, which are likely the same kind of secondary school that many Ivy League students have attended. In contrast, if you examine the curricula of many elite schools, which I teach at one of them, you see the paradigm that I previously mentioned. There are all of these words, and that’s what produces this, in element”.
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