Amy Kremer, the candidate for the Georgia Republican National Committee ( RNC), said in an interview with Breitbart News on Saturday that the Tea Party movement helped form the Make America Great Again ( MAGA ) movement that was launched by former president Donald Trump.
Kremer emphasized the importance of community representation across the RNC ranges, which has eventually begun.
Do n’t get me wrong, I think the party is going through some very difficult times right now, and there are some great people there. I mean, … the community has taken over, and it — we elected, you know, past summer, in June, the executive council was elected by the grass”, she said, noting that there are still creation images from whom they receive opposition.
” But the community has done a great job of taking it over,” she said, citing the fact that” we all need to work jointly because we’ve got to start winning afterwards, and the internal party fighting and fighting and things need to stop,” she said, referring to the community as an observer.
” Appearance, the MAGA movements, people ask me all the time what happened to the Tea Party movement. She explains that the Tea Party movement, which laid the groundwork for President Trump, developed into something bigger and better.
” And that’s the MAGA motion, and then we’re seeing it acquisition in, you know, these Democratic parties across the country, and I think that’s a wonderful thing”, she said, explaining that opposition from the creation and globalists is expected.
” We just have to rely on what is at play second, and we have to stay focused.” I mean, who cannot be America initially, and who cannot obtain behind winning races again? That is so critical. And so, I’m focused on really speaking up for the people at the community, in Washington, and below in Georgia, and I’m able to do that because I’m not going to be intimidated or, you know, tucked my neck and move out of fear of the establishment,” Kremer said.
” I will be a powerful, vocal head for the grassroots, and they should not fear that one little”, she said, warning that conservatives need to assess establishment Republicans, who may try to ruin Trump.
” We need to concentrate on these legislative races and win the Senate up.” … We absolutely have to because he cannot, he will not survive if we do n’t, and we ca n’t just reelect establishment squishy Republicans. We need to choose solid liberals that are gonna go in there and have up to the establishment, walk up to the left, and combat back”, she said, calling for “more soldiers in Washington, DC”.
” President Trump’s coming and achievements and our success — this country is dependant on that”, she warned.
Breitbart News Saturday premieres on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10: 00 a. m. to 1: 00 p. m. Eastern.