Bill Maher, the host of HBO’s” Real Time,” responded to New York Times Executive Editor Joe Kahn’s claim that the paper may not serve as a tool for the Biden strategy and only publishes negative articles about Republicans. He claimed that this is what the paper does today.
Maher said,” Now that I’m doing interviews…the major question that people are asking me, I see every interviewer ask the same question, which is like, you make fun of the left a lot more than you used to. Yes, I do, because they’re clumsier and more unpleasant than they used to get. It does n’t mean I’ve turned into a Republican. I have n’t changed on that at all. They even really became scarier. They continue to be a risk to the Republicans. But I do both”.
He continued,” And the question I get from everyone is, if you really do n’t want Trump elected, and I really do n’t?… then why do n’t you just shut up about Joe Biden and shut down about what’s wrong with the left?” … I see the head of The New York Times, the Executive Editor, Joe Kahn, was asked almost the same question…and Mr. Kahn said, I do n’t also know how that would job,’ We become an instrument]of] the Biden campaign…and put out a stream of products that’s really, really beneficial to them and only publish negative stories about the other aspect?’ which made me laugh because I did n’t even want the other side to come out, which is exactly what the Times does. But — then here’s what, Mr. Kahn, he said, there are individuals who want to choose Donald Trump as president,’ It is not the work of the news media to prevent that from happening.’ … So, I applaud this, I think that is the right]position ]”.
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