Fiona Harvey, the woman who reportedly inspired the psycho” Martha” figure in the TV series , Baby , Reindeer, says she does sue Netflix and Richard Gadd, the movie’s father and sun.
Harvey, a British attorney, appeared on Piers Morgan’s YouTube system Piers Morgan Uncensored, and when asked,  ,” You will absolutely be taking legal action”? Harvey replied,” Absolutely, against both]Gadd ] and Netflix”.
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Somewhere during her , Thursday look on , Piers Morgan Uncensored, Harvey called Netflix’s Baby , Reindeer , — which costs itself as a real tale—” a work of fiction”.
” They]Netflix ] have billed it as a true story, so has he]Gadd], and it’s not”, Harvey asserted. ” He is lying, and they are lying”.
As Breitbart News reported,  , Baby , Reindeer begins with the statement,” This is a real account”, rather than the more commonly seen” Based on a real account”, meaning that Netflix and Gadd are unequivocally maintaining that the account depicted on screen simply replicates everything that happened in real life.
In the present, the” Martha” figure — identified as Harvey by Internet sleuths— is seen persistently stalking Gadd, literally attacking his companion, heckling him from the crowd while he performs standup comedy, and sending him 41, 000 emails,  , 350 voice messages, 744 tweets, 46 Facebook messages, and 106 letters, among other things.
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” That’s simply not true”, Harvey told Morgan, adding that she believes she sent Gadd “less than ten” emails and maybe 18 tweets.
Harvey added that the depictions of the character allegedly inspired by her in Baby , Reindeer are “very, very defamatory to me”, and “very career damaging”.
” I’m not a stalker. I have not been to jail”, she added.
During the interview, Morgan pointed out that all of the evidence , “would come out in a court case” via discovery if Harvey were to sue:
If the police looked at this, and if you sue, for example, then this will go to a court of law,  , and then on discovery, people will look into all this. The phone provider will be contacted to provide proof of every text message. The email backup will be provided by the internet service providers. Facebook will be asked about the Facebook messages, and so on.
” So, all of this would come out in a court case”, Morgan said, to which Harvey replied,” In , disclosure, yes”.
” And you’re prepared to do that”? he , asked, to which Harvey answered,” Yes, because I did n’t write him the emails”.
Harvey added that she has never actually watched the Netflix hit series, telling Morgan,” I think it’s sick. It’s taken over , enough of my life. I find it quite obscene. I find it horrifying, misogynistic”.
” Some of the death threats have been really terrible online, people phoning me up, you know, it’s been absolutely horrendous”, she added.
Morgan also asked Harvey,” If , Richard Gadd is watching this]interview], what’s your message to him”?
” Leave me alone, please”, Harvey said, adding,” Get a life. Get a proper job. I am horrified at what you’ve done”.
Harvey has also been accused of stalking by Laura Wray ( née Walker ), widow to a former Member of the U. K. Parliament, while they worked in a law firm together. In her interview with Morgan, she vehemently denied Wray’s allegations and said any similarity between her account and Gadd’s comes from Gadd shaping the plot of , Baby Reindeer , around news articles publishing Wray’s account.
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