Letitia James, the attorney general of New York, is advancing her campaign against pro-lifers by suing almost a hundred pregnancy centers for denying women the right to obtain abortion pills. She has previously used lawfare to objective people who want to protect unborn children.
According to James, in a complaint filed at the beginning of May, Heartbeat International and 11 maternity facilities, including one that was set off by abortion terrorists after the Supreme Court’s draft choice, made “false and false statements” about life-saving treatments used to change attempted abortions induced by mifepristone. According to her, “fraud, deceptive business practices, and false advertising” are essentially what New York law calls for when women decide they do n’t want to have their chemical abortions.
The schedule of James ‘ lawsuit is no accident. She not only sued the defendants in question after they sued for relief from her “politically motivated campaign”, but she also timed the lawsuit to make headlines as the U. S. Supreme Court weighs whether , the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) likely violated the law when it approved abortion pills, which are responsible for , more than half , of the nation’s abortions, for , mail order , and other expansions.
” Based on NY AG  , Letitia , James ‘ , irresponsible record of protecting big abortion, it appears that her lawsuit against us is a smokescreen to obscure the rampant , malpractice and fraud , that is the chemical abortion industry ahead of an anticipated June Supreme Court decision on that very subject”, CompassCare CEO Rev. Jim Harden said in a speech.
James furthermore falsely claimed that the only clinical trial to assess APR had to be halted because “priorities about patient safety had to be raised” because it is not supported by science and does not meet medical requirements.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that increasing intramuscular and high-dose oral progesterone levels in women who regret taking an abortion drug regimen is” safe and effective” and resulted in” no apparent increased risk of birth defects.”
James is right that the University of California, Davis researchers who conducted a 2019 research on the inversion of contraception pills cited the “risk to people” in their job. The “risk” in question, but, came after three of the 12 women who took mifepristone, the pregnancy medicine, for the sake of the study “required emergency travel to a hospital for treatment of severe pelvic bleeding”. Two of them had n’t ingested any reversal drug.
James ‘ targeting of pregnancy centers over a life- saving treatment that she says lacks” safety and effectiveness” is ironic given the abortion pill’s proven history of causing dangerous and sometimes fatal , complications.
Mifepristone is responsible for a , 500 percent increase , in abortion- related emergency room visits for side effects such as , hemorrhage,  , “fast, weak pulse”,” shortness of breath”, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, vomiting, “pain” across the back, arms, neck, and abdomen, and myriad other risks. The FDA even admits on the drug’s label that nearly , 1 in 25 women , who take it will end up in the emergency room or hospitalized.
A peer- reviewed article published this month found that the FDA used “flawed studies with significantly undercounted complications” when it quietly modified , its regulation to allow abortion pills via remote prescription, mail- order, and chain pharmacy pickup to accommodate the , Biden White House ‘s , post- Roe , activism.
The authors of the article warn that” this will increase the risk of complications” because, among other things, “it will take longer than necessary to properly determine the gestational age or rule out ectopic pregnancy” by failing to perform lab tests to determine whether RhoGAM is indicated and to obtain appropriate informed consent to prevent unintended abortions.
New York is planning to allocate$ 36 million to the state’s 2025 budget to advance the Democrats ‘ abortion agenda as James fights pro-lifers and pregnancy centers that provide women with the support and supports-me-and-my-sons/” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>hope they need to nurture and raise surprise babies.
The budget, approved by Gov. At the end of April, Kathy Hochul sets aside$ 25 million for pro-choice organizations to expand their legal efforts to end preterm births. Additionally, the governor authorized$ 10 million in security grants for abortion facilities” to help ensure the safety of the providers providing this crucial care.”
Jordan Boyd is a co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour and a staff writer for The Federalist. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordanian completed her political science major at Baylor University and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.