As a ship loaded what appeared to be a pile of workers being smuggled into the United States, spectators at Ocean Beach in San Diego, California, watched as it approached.
A ship landed on Ocean Beach in San Diego late last year, and a cell phone videos posted on social media showed the incident. Unknown number of migrants jumped off the beached ship and ran onto the shore in an effort to flee the nearby area.
The Invasion Continues!
In response to surprising images taken monday at Ocean Beach, California, one of these incursions is being documented, as the picture shows. Truckloads of illegal immigrants are regularly offshore in San Diego, California. twitter.com/Yz286R2All
— Conservative Brief (@ConservBrief ) May 13, 2024
A swimmer aircraft appeared to intervene as the workers stormed off the shore. The video does n’t reveal any other law enforcement presence, and it’s unclear who was the video’s creator. Whether any of the migrants were afterwards apprehended is unknown.
As migratory fears in the San Diego Border Patrol Sector rise to alarming rates along the south border with Mexico, occurrences of this character are becoming more frequent. Earlier this month, a vessel filled with about 20 workers landed at an upmarket bay in Newport Beach, California, Breitbart’s Olivian Rondeau reported.
A few weeks previously, Breitbart reported the getting of another migratory- filled vessel making ashore on a seaside in Carlsbad, California.
Immigrant apprehensions have increased in the San Diego Sector, which is now the busiest in the country, as a result of increased police in Texas. More than 37, 000 migrants were apprehended in the San Diego Sector in April, according to an illegal Border Patrol report that Breitbart Texas reviewed. This is up almost 50 percent from the more than 25, 000 apprehended one year earlier.